Depression is a mental health disorder that has plagued humanity since its existence. As society develops, human relationships become increasingly intricate. With the complexity of social interactions, diverse connections, and mounting life pressures, depression has become prevalent in the lives of ordinary individuals. Almost everyone experiences varying degrees and durations of depressive emotions. If these feelings are not alleviated or improved within a certain timeframe, they can easily develop into clinical depression.

The Elusive Nature of Depression

Depression also has a prominent characteristic: it is easy to invite but difficult to send away. When a person falls into a state of depression, it comes uninvited. Curing it is far from easy! My spiritual guide, Eric, chose a destiny of severe bipolar disorder from birth, despite having a highly vibrating soul. Even for ordinary people, it is challenging to escape the torment of mental illness, let alone those with severe conditions.

Originally, I planned to broadcast a special episode on the origin and treatment of depression in the “Interview” segment of a program. The program was designed for me to interview the late sages, conducting question-and-answer sessions. This would allow the audience to understand and appreciate how the “great minds” of the spiritual world perceive the roots of illness and suffering, including the discovery and treatment recommendations for depression, from perspectives beyond our three-dimensional pathology. However, due to recent incidents where celebrities chose to end their lives because they couldn’t overcome depression, as well as encountering irresponsible videos and voices regarding the origins and treatment of depression, I felt compelled to share my understanding of depression immediately. I wanted readers to have the opportunity to perceive depression from different angles, especially those who experience varying degrees of depressive moods, to increase their confidence and energy in combating depression. Let’s make our lives better!

The content of the aforementioned program will not change as a result. On the contrary, I hope that readers can provide feedback on this article so that future programs can be even better and more in-depth.

As always, I will first analyze the causes and treatment methods of depression from a pathological perspective with the readers. Then, from a perspective beyond pathology, you can understand it as deconstructing the same depression from a metaphysical viewpoint. I must reiterate that I am neither a medical expert nor an authority in this field. I am simply sharing what I have learned and realized in my post-enlightenment practice to share with readers, nothing more.

Causes of Depression from a Pathological Point of View

From the perspective of modern medicine, depression is a complex mental health condition, and its causes are often multifactorial. While the exact causes of depression are not fully understood, researchers have identified several factors that can contribute to its development. Here are some of the main causes and risk factors associated with depression:

1. Biological Factors: Certain changes in brain structure or function, as well as imbalances in neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain), may play a role in the development of depression. Genetics can also contribute, as individuals with a family history of depression are more likely to experience it themselves.

2. Chemical Imbalance: Imbalances in certain brain chemicals, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, can impact mood regulation and contribute to depression.

3. Environmental Factors: Various environmental factors can increase the risk of developing depression, including:

  • Chronic stress: Prolonged exposure to stressors, such as financial difficulties, relationship problems, work-related stress, or traumatic events, can contribute to the onset of depression.
  • Childhood trauma: Experiencing abuse, neglect, or other traumatic events during childhood can increase the vulnerability to depression later in life.
  • Loss and grief: Significant losses, such as the death of a loved One, the end of a relationship, or a major life change, can trigger depression in susceptible individuals.
  • Social isolation: Feelings of loneliness, lack of social support, or limited social interactions can contribute to depressive symptoms.
  • Substance abuse: Drug or alcohol abuse can worsen or trigger depression. Additionally, individuals with depression may turn to substances as a way to cope with their symptoms.

4. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions can be associated with an increased risk of depression, such as chronic pain, hormonal imbalances (e.g., thyroid disorders), cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and neurological conditions.

5. Medications and Substances: Some medications, such as certain types of steroids or beta-blockers, may increase the risk of developing depression as a side effect. Substance abuse, including alcohol and drug use, can also contribute to depressive symptoms.

6. Personality Factors: Certain personality traits, such as low self-esteem, pessimism, or a tendency towards self-criticism, may increase the vulnerability to depression.

It’s important to note that everyone’s experience with depression is unique, and not everyone with these risk factors will develop depression. The interplay between these factors can vary from person to person, and a comprehensive understanding of depression often involves considering a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, it’s crucial to seek help from a mental health professional.

The Therapeutic Approach from the Pathological Perspective

From the perspective of modern medicine, depression is a treatable condition, and various approaches can be effective in managing and treating depressive symptoms. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of depression, individual preferences, and the recommendations of healthcare professionals. Here are some common treatment options for depression:

1. Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, involves working with a trained therapist to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to depression. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) are two commonly used forms of psychotherapy for depression. They help individuals develop coping skills, improve communication and problem-solving abilities, and provide support and guidance.

2. Medication: Antidepressant medications can be prescribed to help manage depression. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs), and other classes of antidepressants are commonly used. These medications work by balancing brain chemicals and can help improve mood and reduce depressive symptoms. It’s important to note that medication should be prescribed and monitored by a qualified healthcare professional.

3. Lifestyle Changes: Making certain lifestyle modifications can complement other treatment approaches and contribute to overall well-being. These may include:

  • Regular exercise: Engaging in physical activity can help improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.
  • Healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can support overall mental and physical health.
  • Sufficient sleep: Establishing a regular sleep routine and ensuring adequate sleep can have a positive impact on mood.
  • Stress management: Practicing stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in activities you enjoy, can help manage stress and improve mood.
  • Avoiding alcohol and drug abuse: Substance use can worsen depression symptoms, so it’s important to avoid or limit alcohol and drug consumption.

4. Supportive Relationships: Building and maintaining strong social connections and seeking support from friends, family, or support groups can be beneficial in managing depression. Sharing your feelings and experiences with trusted individuals can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation.

5. Other Therapies: In some cases, other therapeutic interventions may be recommended, such as Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) for severe depression that is not responding to other treatments, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), or other emerging therapies. These should be discussed with a healthcare professional.

It’s important to work closely with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific situation. Combining different approaches, such as psychotherapy and medication, often yields the best results. Remember that recovery takes time, and it’s crucial to be patient and persistent in seeking and following through with treatment.

A Metaphysical Perspective on the Causes of Depression

It is important to reiterate that our universe, planets, and even our bodies are composed of both matter and spirit. Without understanding this, we cannot identify the true cause. If we cannot find the cause, even if your symptoms diminish, it may not truly cure your illness.

From a metaphysical perspective, the causes of depression stem from two main sources: congenital factors and acquired factors.

I fully agree with each point presented from the pathological perspective mentioned above. However, I have noticed that when considering solely the pathological viewpoint, apart from the sixth point regarding personality factors, the other aspects mainly focus on acquired factors leading to the development of depression. The “personality factors” in the sixth point actually encompass both congenital and acquired factors. Congenital factors seem to be the most neglected aspect in pathology, but they are precisely what I consider to be the most crucial part.

Congenital Factors

Congenital factors consist of two parts: biological genetic factors and spiritual genetic factors. From the perspective of human pathology, biological genetic factors primarily refer to the DNA inherited from our parents. Each person’s birth is a matter of chance. Consider that in the usual circumstances, a mother has only One ovulation period per month with One to two eggs, while a father typically releases millions to billions of sperm in each ejaculation. In every sexual encounter between a man and a woman, only a few sperm can successfully enter the female reproductive tract and reach the egg. If you are One of those sperm, the probability of successfully entering your mother’s reproductive tract is almost zero, let alone surpassing countless other sperm and successfully combining with One of the eggs, eventually becoming a person.

From a metaphysical point of view, your birth is a magical and unique event, but it is definitely not accidental. First of all, we have chosen our own parents before we were born. As far as genetics are concerned, we may be born with genetic factors for the combination of our parents. In other words, these so-called good or bad genes are reflected in our bodies; plus a confluence of factors including energy compatibility between sperm and egg, timing of conception, and a combination of cosmic and spiritual forces. These factors play a role in shaping your body and mind. Innate factors, including genetic predisposition, energetic imprinting, and ancestral influences, contribute to your personal constitution and may affect your susceptibility to various diseases, including depression.

The so-called “good” or “defective” genes are our worldly concepts of good and bad. From a metaphysical point of view, good and bad, high and low, excellence and defects are all products of a binary world. Without comparison, there would be no distinction. Although it is related to the aforementioned topic, it is a profoundly different topic. Interested readers can click on the article titled “The Polarities” under the classification of “The Universe” to learn more. Briefly mentioned.


Returning to the so-called “good” or “defective” genes, on the level of our own souls, we choose our own parents, including siblings, and preset certain family assignments with the purpose of undergoing the same lessons as our family members. The difference lies in the fact that each person has a different role in the family and society, naturally resulting in different responsibilities and roles. Taking depression as an example, even though it is the same lesson if it only occurs in One family member during a certain period of time, other family members will respond and behave accordingly based on their roles in the family.

All reactions and behaviors are decided by an individual’s mind through contemplation. They constitute the inner journey of all relevant participants. Depression and other illnesses and sufferings are no different from catalysts, which include physical catalysts, mental catalysts, spiritual catalysts, and mixed catalysts, meaning One or all of them combined. Catalysts are not instruments of punishment; rather, they stimulate the sensory system (mind, body, and spirit) and serve as “morning calls” or awaken our spiritual consciousness. They are the necessary courses for our spiritual growth.

Readers who are unfamiliar with catalyst may click on it to learn more…>

Spiritual DNA

From a metaphysical perspective, spiritual DNA is even more important. The spiritual DNA proposed here by the author do not refer to inherited genes of mental illnesses from parents, but rather to personal and familial “karmic” lessons. A more accurate description would be personal and familial destinies. The term the author prefers to use is “homework.”

Before birth, we have already planned our life blueprint (Soul Contract) based on the homework we need to do (destiny + karma). Each person evolves along their own path of destiny. Therefore, we have long chosen our own parents, including siblings (familial karma), so that after birth, each individual, including family members, can do their own homework and participate in the closed-book exams you have predetermined. Diseases and suffering are created by the mechanism of karmic balance. Readers who have not yet read “Fate, Destiny & Karma“, “Soul Contract“, and “Soul Contract Fulfillment” can click to learn more.

Mind/Body/Spirit Complex

Why is it said that spiritual DNA holds even greater significance than biological genetic inheritance? It is because a person is a combination of the spiritual and the physical body. More precisely, it is a trinity of the spiritual complex, the mental complex, and the physical complex, a fusion of three in One. The body is the necessary vessel for the soul to experience and learn in the third-Density space, while the soul is the life force. Our Mind Complex serves as the bridge between our physical complex and spiritual complex. Therefore, a person is referred to as the mind/body/Spirit Complex.

Before becoming human, the soul, through the mechanism of karmic balance, collaborates with its etheric Body (form maker) and the combined force of the mother’s womb to create a physical complex that is suitable for fulfilling its Soul Contract. Readers who have not yet read “The Essence of Human Beings?”, “Why Do We Choose to Be Human?”, and “What is the Nature of the Soul?” are encouraged to click on the links to learn more.

Disease and Suffering as Lessons

Now, it is not difficult to understand that disease and suffering are part of our lessons, important mandatory courses in our lives. You can think of it as those who choose to experience depression in their life trajectory have chosen or are currently studying a more complex and challenging subject.

When a person fails to learn the lessons they are meant to learn in their life, the karmic balance mechanism that was downloaded into their consciousness before birth will automatically generate corresponding “catalyst“. The diseases and suffering we experience in life are catalysts—their purpose is to allow individuals to experience and learn the lessons related to them. These lessons revolve around the theme of “social relationships” in the third Density. The objective is to balance the personal and collective karma related to these lessons, enabling individuals and collectives to fulfill the agreements within their soul contracts. Interested readers can click on the above links to learn more.

Perhaps some may argue that depression is caused by environmental factors. In fact, whether it is innate or acquired is not the main point. The key lies in understanding the purpose of life, the meaning of life, and the underlying truth behind our existence.

The Truth Behind Life

The truth behind life refers to what is commonly known as the meaning or purpose of life. Many of us may believe that life has no meaning, or never really think deeply about it.

Perhaps readers have never paid attention to why the symbol “/” is always used by RA in the Law of One when referring to the mind/body/Spirit Complex. The author understands it in this way: it not only serves to simplify the purpose of the mental complex, physical complex, and spiritual complex, but it also signifies the equal importance of the mind/body/Spirit Complex within its own time-space. The soul can understand its own imbalances in the realm of the spirit, while only in the physical space can the soul experience, learn, and balance its own imbalances. The mental complex serves as the bridge between the physical complex and the spiritual complex. Therefore, all three components are indispensable.

When a soul chooses to incarnate in the third-Density space/time, such as the planet Earth, whether you are a new soul, a Wanderer, or a repeater, with a few exceptions of those who have already graduated on another third-Density planet and willingly came to Earth as volunteer lightworkers, you are essentially treated equally. Interested readers can refer to the article “Supernatural Abilities” in the Spiritual Path/Meditation section to learn more.

Closed-Book Exams

Closed-book exams are a part that everyone must go through. Closed-book exams are what we refer to as the veil of forgetting, spiritual amnesia, or spiritual Seal, among other descriptions in different cultures and religions. The author believes that “closed-book exams” is a more relatable term. In Metaphysics, the term “veil” is the most widely used.

The veil is something created by the Creator specifically for third-Density planets. Once born into this Space/Time, it adds a thin veil between our conscious and subconscious minds. Everyone is equal under the veil. No One knows the “secrets” of past lives, present life, afterlife, and future lives. With this layer of the veil, we are like wearing a special filter that filters out the majority of the true existence, only displaying certain specific material aspects, such as our third-Density material world. The purpose is to allow our soul to experience and learn the predetermined lessons centered around social relationships in this material environment. As a result, most of us naturally become focused on examining and judging everything we see through the lens of the “body” or the visual perception of the material world, including common catalysts in life such as birth, aging, illness, death, separation, and suffering. Thus, the veil successfully serves its purpose of examination.

Spiritual Evolution: Embracing the Truth of Life

Through countless meditations and post-enlightenment practices, the author has heard the same inner voice: the truth behind life lies in experiencing and realizing the meaning of life through life’s experiences. Although each person’s purpose of existence may vary, there is only One essence of life, which is continuous spiritual evolution leading back to The Source.

The roadmap of spiritual evolution begins with Sense – getting to know the world; Self-awareness – understanding oneself; Awakening – making choices aligned with the highest good, and finally, Enlightenment – wholeheartedly serving others. Interested readers are encouraged to click to learn more…>

All spiritual practices or elevating One’s vibrational frequency start with mindfulness and awakening. The truth is everywhere; seek, you shall find it!

Using Metaphysical Approaches to Treat Depression

Let’s return to the practical topic of how to treat depression. The author believes that if individuals with depression can open their hearts and approach depression from a metaphysical perspective, and combine it with the mentioned pathological treatments, they are likely to achieve greater results.

1. Self-Understanding

Here, self-understanding refers to understanding One’s inner self. We are not just physical bodies; each of us is a mind/body/Spirit Complex. We choose to incarnate on Earth with the purpose of experiencing various aspects of life, including disease and suffering, in order to gain insights into the meaning of life. The ultimate goal is continuous spiritual evolution.

2. Optimistic Acceptance

Only by realizing the meaning of life can One naturally develop an optimistic acceptance and even enjoy the challenges of life. The author hopes that sharing their personal experience of facing and healing from prostate cancer can provide some inspiration. Readers who haven’t read “My Prostate Cancer Curing Journey” are encouraged to explore and learn more.

3. Social Relationships

Social relationships are the main subjects that every being incarnated in the third Density must learn and complete. Everything that happens to us, including catalysts on the mind/body/Spirit Complex, revolves around this theme. Therefore, besides taking care of and loving oneself, it is also essential to learn how to handle relationships with family and society. From a metaphysical perspective, an individual’s actions can influence the people and events around them. We are all energetic beings, interconnected with all energies. Sometimes, a small ripple can create significant waves in society due to the resonance effect, known as the celebrity effect.

4. Mindful Experience

As ordinary individuals, we are accustomed to the rules of the material world and tend to pursue outcomes in everything. However, if One evaluates everything solely from the perspective of the three-dimensional world, One will miss the essence of life.

The author suggests that patients with any illness, including those with depression, approach the process of being ill and seeking treatment with mindfulness. They will undoubtedly find surprises along the way, at least on a spiritual level. Because the process is more important than the outcome.

5. Body/Mind/Spirit Detoxification

Like a computer, our body and mind need occasional disk cleaning, storage resetting, and operating system updates to ensure optimal performance. Therefore, we also need to reformat our mind/body/Spirit Complex.

  • Body Reshaping: Detoxify the body and boost immunity.
  • Mind Reshaping: Detoxify the mind and enhance focus.
  • Spirit Reshaping: Detoxify the spirit and raise the vibrational frequency.

All these methods are complementary techniques to the principles of healing.

6. Two Fundamental Principles

Recovery is based on two fundamental principles: first, learning to forgive others and oneself. The other part of healing involves significantly improving self-esteem.

  • Forgive others, forgive oneself.
  • Significantly improve self-esteem.

These two fundamental principles are crucial, especially when dealing with diseases or symptoms related to karmic imbalances. For example, we refer to them as genetic diseases of Repeat Students or unresolved matters from previous lives, which we will discuss later.

7. Discipline of Personality

Prevention is better than cure. Personality development is the ultimate solution for human spiritual evolution. It not only heals our bodies and souls but also helps elevate our vibrational frequency and consciousness. Learn more…


The author was inspired to write this article upon learning about the passing of Coco Lee due to depression. I want to conclude with a quote from Archangel Erik: “Never judge why, because everyone has different life purposes, including the way they leave this world.”

Once again, I want to emphasize that I am neither a doctor nor an expert. Please follow medical advice and take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Love & Light,

MiLOVE | Completed on July 13, 2023, in Florida.

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NEXT:  Homosexuality is not a disease, but discrimination is!

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