“The essence of the world and the reality of life” is a topic that humanity has explored and attempted to understand since ancient times. In addition to the terms “truth” and “verity,” we often use the phrases “essence” and “reality,” which are set in opposition to “phenomena,” “appearances,” or “nominal forms.” Meanwhile, “truth” is the antonym of “lie.” Whether we speak of “truth” and “verity” or “essence” and “reality,” I have always been eager to grasp their meanings. It was through attempting to understand “the essence of the world and the reality of life” that I embarked on my journey in search of truth… Learn more >

Chinese characters are profound and far-reaching. Before we delve further into “the essence of the world and the reality of life,” let us first review the definitions of the terms “essence,” “reality,” “truth,” and “fact,” and clarify the distinctions among them:


The actual circumstances of matters—including objects, events, and situations; that is, everything that objectively exists, as well as unusual happenings and the evolving dynamics of social conditions. However, these “facts” may sometimes be mere appearances.


Among the many facts or appearances, truth is the fact that most accurately reflects the true nature of things, events, and situations. “Truth” is also understood as “reality.” Therefore, in the articles and blogs on this website, the terms are considered to have the same or very similar meanings.


Refers to the inherent, fundamental properties of a thing. It is a quality—or set of qualities—that remains unchanging and is what makes an entity or substance what it is. Without this essence, the entity loses its identity.


Refers to innate character—that is, the inherent qualities or personality of a being.

For example, the natural instinct of animals is simply to survive and reproduce in every way possible, ensuring that their genes persist. In contrast, the human natural instinct—often simply called “human nature”—is far more complex. This is because the human essence is a composite of mind, body, and spirit. Human nature should be discussed from two aspects: human nature (the inherent attributes, primarily the physical or biological part) and human essence (the spiritual aspect, primarily the mind or moral character). Both are innate: the nature is expressed outwardly, while the spirit remains internal. Consequently, on a mental level, the spiritual side of an ordinary person is easily suppressed by their natural instincts. This is a special design of the third Density, known as the “Veil of Forgetting and Spiritual Amnesia” (or, as some might say, a “closed-book exam”). Learn more… >

Facts may represent either the true situation or merely appearances. The truth must be discovered through the facts. Facts are not necessarily the truth, but the truth is always among the facts. The truth might be hidden, yet it is still a fact. There can be many facts, but there is always only One truth; likewise, there is only One essence, usually deeply concealed. Knowing some facts does not necessarily mean One has understood the truth; and even if One finds the truth, it may not reveal its essence.

In English, both “真相” and “真理” are translated as “truth”—that is, something that people have tirelessly sought and yearned to know throughout the ages. In Chinese, however, there is a slight difference in their definitions. “真相” refers to objective facts, the concrete details; sometimes, in modern contexts, it is even defined as “one’s own truth” or a concept of authenticity. “真理,” on the other hand, is usually taken to mean a theory that is “without error.”

I am fortunate to have been inspired by the wisdom of our forebears, and I hope to share their insights with readers who are destined to find them:

Truth vs. Verity = Space/Time vs. Time/Space

I believe the difference between “truth” and “verity” lies in the concepts or perceptions of space/time versus time/space. In other words, it is a matter of perspective from different positions in space-time. For instance, in the space/time of our Earth, gravity and our concept of time are the “truth” as we understand it; yet in the time/space of the universe, these “truths” do not exist—or they exist in a form different from that on Earth. The question then arises: can phenomena that modern human science has yet to prove (or cannot prove) be defined as verity?

The Essence of the World and the Reality of Life

“The essence of the world and the reality of life” are phrases frequently mentioned in the cultivation of One’s character. Because each person’s understanding is different, these terms are defined and interpreted in various ways.

The Essence of the World

If “the world” refers to the earthly realm or Earth itself, I believe that its essence is that it is a planet in the third Density of the universe, currently in transition to the space (or realm) of the fourth Density. It is still the space/time in which we humans exist today. [Learn more… >]

The Reality of Life

I believe that the meaning of life should encompass all forms of life. Therefore, “the reality of life” should be defined as the process of life’s evolution. If, however, “the reality of life” refers to human life, then it is the process of self-cognition that we undergo. [Learn more… >]

The Essence and Truth of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity

I interpret heaven, earth, and humanity as the universe, Earth, and mankind, respectively. Thus, the essence and truth of heaven, earth, and humanity can be understood as: “the essence and truth of the universe,” “the essence and truth of the Earth,” and “the essence and truth of mankind.”

The Essence and Truth of the Universe

In primordial studies, consciousness is considered the fundamental attribute of the universe—the most primitive and basic component of both life and matter. In other words, the intrinsic property of everything in the universe is a form of consciousness.

Definition: The essence of the universe is an infinitely creative existence, and its intrinsic attribute is rooted in the omnipresent primitive consciousness.

  • Infinite Creative Existence: It contains everything, referring to the fundamental driving force of the universe to continuously generate, evolve, and renew everything, which is an inexhaustible and dynamic generative force.
  • Universal and Primordial Consciousness: It means that this generative force does not emerge by chance, but is a basic attribute existing in all matter and life, that is, every existence, whether it is a macroscopic celestial body or a microscopic particle, contains some form of inner consciousness, and its expression level ranges from primitive perception to complex emotions and thinking.

The Truth of the Universe: Life’s evolution proceeds through seven evolutionary stages. Therefore, the essence and truth of the universe consist of an infinitely creative existence and life continuously evolving within a defined framework. [Learn more… >]

Creation and Spiritual Evolution

Tracing back to The Source, the universe was created by the Creator. The Creator first brought forth three transformative elements—in order: free will, love, and light. For the sake of spiritual evolution, the Creator established seven evolutionary stages in the universe, each of which is referred to as a Density. The eighth Density is like the eighth note in music, marking the beginning of the next octave, continuing ad infinitum. [Learn more… >]

The Principle (also known as Love) after the focus of free will, created sub-principles. For example, our solar system is an instance of a sub-principle, while Earth and humanity belong to sub-sub-principles. The Principle can create One or even countless galaxies—the Milky Way being created by a single Principle. The infinite universe is composed of an infinite number of galaxies. Learn more… >

The Essence and Truth of the World

I believe that Earth’s essence is that it is a planet in the third Density of the universe, in the process of transitioning to the fourth Density realm; the existence of the veil is where the truth is hidden. Learn more… >

The Essence and Truth of Humanity

I believe that the human essence is a composite of mind, body, and spirit—that is, a combination of the physical complex, the mental complex, and the spiritual complex. The mental complex connects the body and the spiritual complex. Generally, individuals dominated by their physical complex tend to exhibit more basic human instincts—such as selfishness and self-serving behavior—whereas those led by their spiritual complex tend to show higher, more noble behaviors, such as self-sacrifice and service to others.

Each One of us is a microcosm. We possess seven chakras, which correspond to the seven densities of the universe.

The truth is that human beings are intelligent life forms in the third Density. Earth is a planet that belongs to the third stage of eight evolutionary levels. Our lives are governed by the soul, which is immortal. We are spiritual beings experiencing life.

Our planet—Earth—and we humans all belong to the same sub-sub-principle. The emergence of Earth’s polarity is the result of the interaction between the planet and the free will of its mind/body/Spirit Complex. Therefore, humanity is closely connected with Earth and the universe. Heaven, Earth, and humanity are One.

We humans are not merely our bodies—the concept of a physical or biological entity—but rather a composite of mind, body, and spirit; only as a whole do we represent the truth. So, why does Earth have a veil, and how can we lift it? If we do not understand who we are, we cannot grasp the purpose of our lives; and without knowing our life’s purpose, how can we achieve spiritual evolution? [Learn more… >]

In the Theater of Life, You Are the Protagonist

In everyday life, people tend to focus excessively on the performances of others and neglect self-awareness. We unconsciously place ourselves in the audience of the stage rather than taking center stage. In truth, on the stage of life, each One of us is the protagonist. Therefore, understanding and expressing oneself is the only thing we truly need to do. Learn more… >

Related: Soul, Primordial Spirit, Incarnation, Reincarnation, Mind/Body/Spirit Complex