In this chapter, the author will discuss some basic concepts of “Realities, Truth & Paradox” so that everyone can better understand the connotation of the “Law of Nature“. I want to ask our readers, do you believe the space we inhabit, including this observable universe, is real or virtual?

If it is virtual, why do our feelings seem so real? If it is real, why have there been endless debates throughout history – from epistemology, Metaphysics, and religious beliefs to scientific exploration -without ever reaching a consensus?

Virtual vs. Real

I believe everyone has played video games, right? From the early days of Nintendo and basic gaming consoles to computers, tablets, and smartphones, we can now freely manipulate and play on them. Because these video games lack realism, large companies have spared no effort in developing advanced virtual reality (VR) games, utilizing VR technology to offer a more immersive gaming experience, to allow players to fully immerse themselves in a virtual world.

No matter how advanced these VR technologies become, they are still man-made products. Have you ever imagined that if a higher form of life created our worlds, and our physical bodies were just more advanced versions of VR suits? Our souls, our true selves, might be seamlessly integrated with the bodies we have chosen, experiencing a fully immersive life.

What if I said, “God created this universe; the space we inhabit, including the natural environment and even our bodies, were created by God’s co-creators; and the true ‘self’ is following some pre-set rules, engaging in a fully immersive life, and creating your own experiences…” would you believe it?

This is a question of cosmology, a question that could overturn everyone’s worldview, life view, and values!

I want to emphasize that our universe is both virtual and real. Whether it is virtual or real depends on One’s perspective and consciousness. The truth is like nature: the real is virtual, and the virtual is real; when the real seems false, the false can seem real…

At this point, I believe some readers might question: what about the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, the hatred between Israel and Hamas, and the cities and families destroyed by the fires of war spreading through Middle Eastern politics? What about the brave soldiers and innocent civilians who have died because of the war? The trade and political disputes between China and the United States, the internal conflicts between the Democratic and Republican parties in the U.S., and the endless legal battles against former president Donald Trump? What about global inflation and deflation? Are all these things virtual?

A veteran who once led from the front answered this question: when I was a soldier participating in a battle, I experienced the shock, terror, cruelty, wounds, and death of war; when I returned to heaven, I reviewed all my life’s experiences and was grateful that I had finally returned to the real world that truly belonged to me.

The above example describes a reality where One moves from One reality to another. Is everything in the universe an illusion? – you will find the answer in the following content!

Real feelings may not reflect the whole truth, but reality certainly encompasses more layers of experience and emotion.

Well then, let’s explore and discuss the truth, reality, and their paradoxes.

Reality, Essence of Reality vs. Facts, Truth

“Reality,” “essence of reality,” “facts,” and “truth” are four concepts that involve the differences and similarities between reality and existence, and between scientific knowledge and traditional wisdom. They have similar yet entirely different meanings and focal points, but they may also overlap in certain contexts.

Reality – refers to the objectively existing world that we experience and perceive, the authenticity and substantiality we sense and encounter. Reality is composed of factors such as matter, energy, time, and space. It includes everything we see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and experience through our five senses.

Essence of Reality – is a philosophical concept referring to the ultimate true existence that transcends superficial phenomena and secular understanding. Understanding the essence of reality often involves fields such as philosophy, Metaphysics, or ontology. It may transcend the cognitive scope of human reason, including concepts of time and space, thereby possessing a certain transcendence and mysticism.

Fact – refers to an objectively existing situation or event that can be observed, proven, or verified. Facts are typically aligned with objective reality and can be determined through observation, experimentation, and investigation.

Truth – while in some cases overlaps with facts, also includes deeper levels of observation, experimentation, and investigation. It is also involved in areas such as philosophy, Metaphysics, or ontology, and may transcend the cognitive scope of human reason.

Reality is the objectively existing world that we experience and perceive, the essence of reality is the ultimate true existence that transcends superficial phenomena and secular understanding, facts are objectively existing situations or events that can be observed, proven, or verified, and truth is the correct description of objective facts.

Logically speaking, “reality” and “essence of reality” inherently refer to all that exists, while “facts” and “truth” primarily refer to ideas, opinions, viewpoints, cognition, or even consensus. Our interpretation of these terms carries a degree of subjectivity, belonging to a form of concept or cognition!

“Reality,” although determined through observation, scientific experiments, reasoning, and other methods to conclude what exists, is limited by various factors and conditions. The results presented to people may be influenced by subjective factors and social culture. They might be facts, but they don’t necessarily accurately reflect the truth. On the other hand, the “essence of reality” is understood to refer to the ultimate true existence that transcends superficial phenomena and secular understanding. It may involve deeper levels of existence, including the eternal and absolute existence that transcends the individual and time, possessing a certain transcendence and mysticism. It could be the ultimate truth that surpasses the surface of reality, or it might be a concept or cognition -this is closely related to the observer’s state of consciousness.

In Metasophy and the “Law of Nature”, we categorize “reality” and “facts” as modern humanity’s general cognition of existence, while “essence of reality” and “truth” are categorized as the existence and cognition that transcend superficial phenomena and secular understanding.

Whether it is “reality,” “essence of reality,” or “truth,” they all represent the distinctions in consciousness’s cognition and understanding of all that exists. Cognition and understanding may be biased or distorted depending on different environmental realities. Consciousness has different levels, and these levels refer to the degree of evolution in consciousness or differences in Vibration Frequency.

Ultimate Truth

In this world, there is no absolute truth (unless it comes from the mouth of God). Truth is an idea, an opinion, or a viewpoint; you can also understand it as cognition, understanding, or consensus; it may not be the essence of reality. What we understand is only relative truth or partial truth; it could also be a reality or even more than One reality. At most, we only grasp One or more truths, but not the entirety of truth or the essence of reality (Ultimate Truth).

Reality is like a diamond, with countless facets. All the aspects combined with the uncut parts form a complete diamond or the entirety of a diamond. So is the truth! The difference is that reality has countless facets, while the essence of reality or ultimate truth includes layers (three-dimensional) encompassing different realities and myriad facets.

Reality is composed of countless facets within the same space; the essence of reality or ultimate truth must include all evolutionary layers in the universe. In other words, any so-called truth that does not include all evolutionary layers in the universe cannot be considered the ultimate truth.

Our shared universe is a multiverse. It includes different levels of evolution as well as different evolutionary spaces. Each evolutionary level is called a Density; different evolutionary spaces are referred to not only as densities but also as metaverses. Metaverses and dimensions are subdivisions of evolutionary spaces. This will be discussed in more detail later.

Evolutionary spaces also include observable and unobservable parts. Each Density, metaverse, and Dimension represents a set of partial truths or truths. Only when all densities, including observable and unobservable parts, are combined can it be called the ultimate essence of reality in the universe.

Have you noticed that both reality and consciousness have different levels; the truth is the same! The so-called “truth” is just One or more realities or perhaps cognition at different levels of consciousness, rather than the ultimate essence of reality or ultimate truth.

First Principles

The term “First Principles” originates from philosophy, particularly Aristotle’s concept of “First Principles.” It refers to the most basic, fundamental principles or assumptions from which other knowledge or theories can be derived. In different fields, “first principles” have slightly different applications and interpretations.

In philosophy, first principles are the most basic truths or assumptions that cannot be further simplified or derived. For example, Aristotle considered “being” as a first principle because it is the most fundamental concept.

In scientific research, first principles refer to those fundamental physical laws or principles, such as the basic laws of Newtonian mechanics or the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. Scientists use these fundamental principles to explain and predict natural phenomena. However, according to the First Principles, although Newtonian mechanics has found some laws of gravity, we must point out that so far human scientists have not yet figured out the ultimate truth of gravity, let alone gravitons.

I believe that the meaning of the aforementioned first principles is very close to the concept of ultimate truth or the essence of reality. If there is any difference, it is merely in the understanding of the concept at different levels of consciousness. Therefore, whether it is “first principles,” essence, “ultimate truth,” or “essence of reality,” there are levels of understanding. The ability to comprehend these concepts reflects an entity’s level or state of consciousness in the context of reality.

Life, Space, and Reality

Our Earth is a Dimension or a specific time-space in the universe, akin to a facet on a diamond; humanity is the intelligent species living on this facet. Not every facet or time-space is suitable for human life because each time-space has its unique Vibration Frequency and survival environment. Similarly, every kind of life form, including humans, whether they have evolved naturally or are extraterrestrial beings, must have bodies, including sensory systems, that match their survival conditions.

Each space is a reality. In other words, our reality refers to the objectively existing world we inhabit, the authenticity and substantiality we perceive and experience. Different realities are composed of factors such as energy, matter, time, and space, each with its unique Vibration Frequency, including everything we see, hear, touch, and experience. The knowledge we gain from this reality, including scientific knowledge, may not apply to other facets, let alone higher densities. Take angels as an example; they exist in what we consider a non-reality. Therefore, most of us cannot perceive their presence. In reality, they are interdimensional beings. They live both in their reality and in spaces that overlap with our time-space. In their reality, time does not exist, and human technology does not apply to their reality.

Distortions and Layers

The creation of the universe was accomplished in One stroke, from high Density to low Density. However, evolution is a relatively lengthy process. It first involves the evolutionary process of planetary matter and the entropy increase of life, then the diversity of life forms, and finally the entropy decrease in the evolution of consciousness.

Transformation and Distortion are inevitable results of the universe’s evolution. The evolution of each Density is a process of transformation, whether it is entropy increasing or decreasing. Different realities are composed of various factors such as energy, matter, time, and space, each with its unique Vibration Frequency.

You can understand each reality as a matrix or a regional matrix, with each matrix containing its unique language, culture, religion, technology, politics, and the internet. These are collectively referred to as information matrices or information cocoons. Larger matrices envelop smaller ones, One enclosing another, layer upon layer, much like a Matryoshka doll.

Unveiling the truth is like peeling an onion; there are different levels to it. The truth is always deeply hidden within numerous appearances.

Example Illustration

Let’s take “gravity” and “gravitons” as examples, which are the theoretical foundations established by general relativity and quantum mechanics, respectively. However, these theories do not apply to other higher-Density realities. In other words, the cosmology of other realities does not align with ours. Each reality is a different regional and information matrix.

This explains why we humans have been unable to move forward in cosmology in the past hundred years. This is because the theoretical foundation established by the edifice of general relativity and quantum mechanics is unstable, and we are still far from the truth. This is not entirely due to the inaction of general relativity or quantum mechanics, but due to the specific frequency of the space and time we live in. It is due to the frequency of our collective consciousness. You can even blame effects such as the “Van Allen Belts” and the “Schumann Resonance– They are all a set of vibrational spectrums designed specifically to align with the collective consciousness of humanity on Earth.

Van Allen Belts and Schumann Resonance

The author describes the “Van Allen Belts” as a matrix that controls Earth’s vibration frequencies; the “Schumann Resonance” is the result of the resonance of the Vibration Frequency of the collective consciousness or collective unconsciousness on Earth.

The “Van Allen Belts” and “Schumann Resonance” are far beyond what our Earth scientists understand. In addition to the scientific understanding that the former protects Earth from solar winds and cosmic rays, the Van Allen Belts primarily serve as a matrix that controls Earth’s vibration frequencies; the latter is not only understood by scientists to be related to the Earth’s electromagnetic environment and weather patterns. In addition to being related to biological systems and synchronized with the alpha wave frequency of the human brain, the most important role of Schumann Resonance is to reflect the Vibration Frequency of the collective consciousness or collective unconscious on the earth.

They belong to another topic about matrices, which I will discuss in detail in the relevant chapters. Using a broader perspective, more examples of the “Van Allen Belts” and “Schumann Resonance” will be discussed as the lecture progresses. This is omitted.

General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

Gravity, also known as gravitational force, describes the phenomenon of mutual attraction between masses and is One of the four fundamental forces of nature. Einstein’s general theory of relativity describes gravity as an effect caused by the curvature of spacetime by matter. The heavier the object, the greater the curvature of spacetime and the stronger the gravity produced.

A graviton is a hypothetical particle in quantum gravity theory used to explain the transmission of gravity at the quantum level. According to quantum field theory, a graviton is the quantized excitation of the gravitational field, similar to how a photon is the quantized excitation of the electromagnetic field. The graviton theory has not yet been experimentally verified because the energy required to detect gravitons far exceeds current technological capabilities.

Gravity: A natural phenomenon caused by the curvature of spacetime by matter, describing the mutual attraction between masses. Graviton: A hypothetical particle in quantum gravity theory. It transmits the quantum of gravitational force and has not yet been directly verified by experiments. Currently, quantum gravity theory is still under development and attempts to unify the description of gravity with the other three fundamental forces (electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force).


In Metasophy, gravity is not produced by natural forces, nor is the graviton some particle or matter hypothesized by Earth scientists. The curvature of spacetime and the force that attracts stars and planets are the results of the primal consciousness focusing and harnessing “intelligent infinite energy”.

Consciousness originates from the “Prime Source.” The Prime Source is the collective term for the collective consciousness that possesses “intelligent infinite energy.” (The Prime Source and intelligent infinite energy are the subjects of the second chapter of the lecture and will be discussed there. For now, just keep this concept in mind.)

Everything created by “intelligent infinite energy” contains consciousness. Consciousness plays a role related to vitality in different densities and life forms, with different roles in different densities.

The gravity and graviton theorized by Earth scientists do not exist in the universe. However, in our Earthly reality, gravity and gravitons have become a consensus in our world, forming a kind of cosmology. Because of this cognitive Distortion, human scientists are also unable to understand dark matter, dark energy, and black holes.

“Cognitive Distortion” relates to the theories of “universal evolution and levels” and “matrices and information cocoons,” which are complex topics to be explored in relevant chapters or topics in more detail.

The Ultimate Reality of the Universe

After all this discussion, how do we understand the ultimate reality of the universe? Remember, at the beginning, I mentioned that our universe is both virtual and real. Whether something is virtual or real is a matter of perspective and consciousness level. Truth is like nature: what seems real can be illusory, and what seems illusory can be real; when the real appears false, the false may appear true…?

Contrary to our usual understanding, the reality of the universe includes not only the observable part but also the unobservable part – the part we consider non-real, the void. The higher the Density of the void, the less we understand it. For example, black holes, dark matter, dark energy, and gravity, among others. In fact, the closer we get to the center of a black hole or a giant sun – the center of the universe’s creation – the closer we are to the reality of the universe, or its ultimate truth.

We may never fully know the truth unless we strive to seek it. The ultimate reality of the universe has always existed, and we can only try to infinitely approach the truth through continuous effort. The closer we get to The Source, the nearer we are to the ultimate truth.

The truth, or the ultimate reality of the universe, cannot elevate collective consciousness if only discovered by a few. It must be widely understood to become recognized as truth. Because truth is a concept, an opinion, or a viewpoint; you could also understand it as cognition, understanding, or consensus.

Whether it’s a concept, opinion, cognition, understanding, or consensus, it is a manifestation of individual or collective consciousness. An individual’s or a collective’s level of consciousness is closely related to the reality or space they inhabit. Generally speaking, the higher the Density One resides in, the higher their level of evolution, and consequently, their level of consciousness or vibrational frequency. It is worth mentioning that there are many starseeds on Earth. After their awakening, even though their bodies are still trapped by the Earth’s matrix, their consciousness has already broken free from the 3D Dragon Confinement Array. Through serving their brothers and sisters on Earth, their states of consciousness gradually returned to varying degrees…

The truth is, no matter which space or reality you find yourself in, adepts can increase their vibrational frequency, create their portals, and break through the constraints of the reality matrix or lift the veil in consciousness, allowing them to connect with their “Higher Self,” “Intelligent Infinity,” or the “Akashic records.” These topics will also be shared in related chapters, so I will leave them aside for now.


In Metaphysics, the truth of the universe, like its structure, is closer to the ultimate reality the closer you get to the center of creation. Truth has layers. The structure of the universe is not random but is the result of meticulous design, constructed for spiritual evolution.

Each reality space is a matrix, and each matrix consists of a specific spectrum of vibrations and physical, mathematical constants, and variables, with unique characteristics, rules, and attributes. In any matrix, the matter and life within it naturally adjust to align with the Vibration Frequency of that matrix according to the Primary Frequency Principle“.

The levels of cosmic evolution are also levels of consciousness evolution. Everything is related to the evolution of consciousness!

Let us set aside some of our ingrained attachments and try to return to or focus on the essence of things; we may get closer to the truth.

Next: Levels of Cosmic Evolution

Love & Light

A Humble Messenger of the Infinite Creator