I will give a brief overview to help everyone better understand “The Law of Nature“.

What is The Law of Nature?

The Law of Nature – is the core theory of “Metasophy“. It is an innovative, cross-dimensional theoretical framework – “Metasophism” – that evolved from MiLOVE’s articles and blogs of HUAXINSI. Learn more >

The Law of Nature is another name for the principle of creation. It is the blueprint of the universe and life – the Fate of the universe and life. Meta-consciousness is the primordial consciousness that the laws of nature exist in all life.

Principles of Creation

The “Principles of Creation” are also known as the “Blueprint.” They design and create the structure and life evolution mechanism at all levels of the universe. Because creation and the principles of creation are like miraculous workmanship and leave no trace, they are also called the “Law of Nature” in metasophy.

Creation is divided into three levels: Logos, Sub-Logos, Sub-sub-Logos, and their corresponding spaces. The Logos contains the Principles of Creation.

Creator of the Universe

Our shared universe is not naturally produced, but designed and created by what is known as the “Infinite Creator“, the “Prime Source“, or the “Source“. They are not individuals sitting in heaven, but a collective with infinite energy and unified consciousness, a potential energy field with extremely high-speed vibrations.

Creation and Nature

You can think of “creation” as a grand performance of a large-scale symphony. God is the conductor, representing The Source; the Logoi are the musicians, representing love and co-creation; musical instruments represent construction tools; and music represents the energy of Intelligent Infinity.

In this performance, the musicians follow God’s baton, sheet music, and dynamic conducting, playing out beautiful melodies like poetry and painting…sometimes melancholic and sometimes resoundingly passionate symphonies, as if enormous pulses generated by infinite consciousness flow create different “harmonics” and “standing waves“, which then interweave to form and construct fantastic stars, planets, rainbows, life, and the entire universe…

Every tiny change in each grand symphony performance’s musical phrase and note is immersed in complete intentionality, emerging as a whole movement precisely encoded (composition) by infinite consciousness, rather than as a random result. Like symphony performance, creation is an energetic value that can be expressed and measured with mathematics.

This is how the author understands creation. It is not the result of nature!

Structure of the Universe

The basic structure of the universe is not what scientists believe to be four dimensions; the time in the universe is also not a concept familiar to us humans; many of the fundamental constants in our physics do not apply to other “spaces/times” and “time/space“. Learn more…>

Einstein proposed in the early 20th century: that spacetime is a continuous, curved four-dimensional structure, including three spatial dimensions (length, width, height) and One time Dimension. However, this view is One of the core concepts of relativity.

In Metasophy, the universe comprises eight densities, twelve metaverses, countless sub-metaverses, and spaces. The eighth Density is like the octave, the starting point of the next octave, the beginning of the next creation… until infinity. The universe has no beginning and no end.

Time is a perception, a sequence of thoughts. Time exists only in consciousness. Outside of consciousness, it does not exist (So, what does consciousness have to do with dimensions or Density? What is the essential difference between consciousness and thinking? – These are the key points of “Laws of Nature“!).

Observable Space/Time

Time is also non-linear in physical space/time, which is also three-dimensional as space. Therefore, time cannot become a constant in the above-mentioned physical formula, it can only act as a variable. In other words, the equations of physical space-time should be expressed as follows:

“Six Space/Times (From 3rd to 8th Metaverse“.

1st-3rd Density (1st-3rd Metaverse) = 1 (3D Space/Time)
4th Density (4th-5th Metaverse) = 2 (3D Space/Time)
5th Density (6th-7th Metaverse) = 2 (3D Space/Time)
6th Density (8th Metaverse) = 1 (3D Space/Time)

SUM: Six 3-Dimensional Spaces/Times = 6 (3+3) Dimensional Spaces/Times

NOTE:Time is also 3 Dimensional;Time is only related to observers/spaces. As for why there are different Metaverses/Dimensions between the 4th Density and the 6.5th Density, it will be further shared in the relevant chapters of “Infinite Universe

Numbers: 3, 6, 9, and 12 are the codes to unlock the mysterious universe. At this point, do you feel that you feel a bit overwhelmed and shocked? The more exciting things are yet to come! The author will give a detailed answer and share it in the article “Space-time Architecture” in the “Infinite Universe” chapter. This is omitted.

Each Density, metaverse, and sub-metaverse in the universe has its unique Vibration Frequency or spectrum. That’s why the author repeatedly emphasizes: “The secrets of the universe are not hidden in dimensions but within densities.”

Black Holes, Gravity & Gravitons

To make it easier to understand, I would like to first quote the understanding of black holes, gravity, gravitons, and gravitational waves by modern scientists before expressing our opinions.

The concept of black holes was first proposed by German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild in 1916. He discovered the concept of what later became known as the “Schwarzschild black hole” while solving Einstein’s equations of general relativity, realizing the possibility of a singularity existing under extreme Density conditions. In another field of physics, quantum mechanics, scientists have been searching for particles called gravitons to describe the transmission of gravity. However, a unified theory has not yet been achieved, although quantum gravity theory remains an active area of research.

Scientists generally believe that black holes form after the death of stars with masses exceeding a certain threshold. When a massive star exhausts the fuel required for nuclear fusion and can no longer resist its gravity, it undergoes gravitational collapse. If the star’s mass is large enough, the collapse will produce an object of extreme Density and gravity, namely a black hole.

Black holes are composed of extremely dense matter, which creates a gravitational field so strong that not even light can escape. At the center of a black hole lies a singularity, a point of infinite Density and gravity, surrounded by an event horizon where gravity prevents anything, including light and information, from escaping. The event horizon is the surface of the black hole and is an area from which an observer cannot see into the interior of the black hole because light and information cannot escape.

According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravity arises from the curvature of spacetime caused by mass, and objects move along curved spacetime trajectories, similar to rolling on a curved surface. This understanding has successfully predicted astronomical phenomena, such as black holes and gravitational waves. As for gravitons, they are theoretically proposed particles believed to transmit gravity, analogous to photons transmitting electromagnetic force. However, there is currently no direct evidence for the existence and properties of gravitons, making them a hypothetical concept that requires further experimentation to confirm their existence.

Perhaps, you have noticed that the above understanding of scientists is entirely based on physics.

In Metasophy, black holes are understood as “creation centers” and “great central suns,” each being a whole of creation. The gravitational well, known as a black hole, extends from the bottom’s central point, called the singularity by scientists, encompassing what is known as an “accretion disk” and all space created by a single Logos. Take our galaxy, for example; it is created by One Logos.

Gravity, also called gravitation, is not caused by a supermassive material that bends spacetime, and the so-called graviton is not a supermassive particle. The gravitational well (black hole) is caused by the infinite focus of the “Logos” or “Infinite Creator.” Scientists believe that gravitons with supermassive material are indeed the “Logoi” or “Infinite Creator.” The mass of an object does not generate a gravitational field or flow. The reason an object possesses mass is because consciousness is focused on that precise point in space, thus producing gravity.

Planetary systems revolve around black holes, not because of the gravitational attraction, but because of consciousness flow, driven and arranged by precise mathematical patterns. We refer to consciousness flow as “Intelligent Infinity” or infinite energy of wisdom.

In Metasophy, we believe that there is no such thing as gravitons, as envisioned by scientists, like superparticles in the universe. Gravity, as mentioned above, is caused by the infinite focus of the Logos and is driven by consciousness flow propelled by precise mathematical patterns. If One must use the term graviton, it refers to consciousness or the focus of the Logoi driving consciousness flow, infinite energy of wisdom, or potential energy fields.

Dark Energy and Dark Matter

Because “Dark Energy” and “Dark Matter” play pivotal roles in cosmology, I’d still like to quote scientists’ understanding of them before showing our opinion.

Modern scientists believe they have a fairly in-depth understanding of dark energy and dark matter, although there are still some mysteries. They consider dark energy to be a mysterious energy thought to fill the universe and drive its expansion. Its existence is based on observations of the accelerated expansion of the universe. Dark energy occupies the vast majority of the universe’s energy Density, but its nature remains unclear. The most widely accepted theory is that dark energy is a uniform, constant energy Density known as the cosmological constant, and its negative pressure leads to the accelerated expansion of the universe. On the other hand, dark matter is a type of matter that does not interact with electromagnetic radiation and therefore cannot be directly observed. However, the existence of dark matter is based on observations of galaxy rotation speeds, galaxy cluster motion, and cosmic microwave background radiation. Dark matter constitutes most of the mass in the structure of the universe, but its composition and properties remain a mystery. There are many hypotheses, including that dark matter is composed of One or more unknown particles, but specific evidence to support these hypotheses has not yet been found.

From the above descriptions, it can be seen that dark energy and dark matter continue to perplex scientists to this day. Although the existence of dark energy and dark matter has not been directly observed, scientists infer their existence indirectly through observations of cosmological phenomena; and measure their contribution to the known universe composition: dark energy accounts for 68%, while dark matter accounts for 27%.

In Metasophy, we consider that the entire universe is composed of a potential field vibrating at an extremely high speed. This potential energy field is also called the “Logos“, the “Source“, or the “Infinite Creator“, and can also be understood as consciousness flow and unified consciousness.

The author believes that this potential field may be what scientists refer to as dark energy. Because of the unified form of this entity, it exists in the ether like a fluid medium with very high vibrational frequencies, nurturing everything in the universe: space, stars, and planets.

As for dark matter, which constitutes 27% of the universe, the author expresses doubts. “Neutrinos” indeed belong to a form of “matter” that has not been directly observed. They do not interact with electromagnetic waves, so they cannot be detected through traditional optical or radio telescopes. In addition, there are so-called God’s basic particles C7 and C8 – they, together with the Logos, are distributed in infinite energy, a unified conscious potential field. However, they are pure energies and may not be the matter related to the dark matter that scientists believe in.

In short, whether it’s the intelligent infinite energy field or Logos, they are consciousness with the highest Vibration Frequency; rather than the dark energy and dark matter recognized by scientists.

God’s Elementary Particle

In some media with non-scientific cultural or religious backgrounds, many people believe that the “Higgs Boson” is the fundamental particle of God, and some people believe that the boson is the graviton. This is a misunderstanding and is neither a scientific consensus nor the truth.

What are Elementary Particles?

Scientists believe that elementary particles are the most basic and irreducible particles that make up the material world. According to the Standard Model, there are currently two types of known elementary particles: quarks and leptons.

Quarks: Quarks are the elementary particles that make up the atomic nucleus. There are currently six known types of quarks: up quark, down quark, charm quark, top quark, strange quark, and bottom quark. Quarks have properties such as charge, color, and mass, and they interact with each other through strong interactions.

Leptons: Leptons are elementary particles that do not participate in the strong interaction. Including electrons, muons, tau neutrinos and the corresponding three types of neutrinos: electron neutrinos, muon neutrinos, and tau neutrinos. Leptons have properties such as charge and mass, and they participate in weak interactions and electromagnetic interactions.

In addition, the Standard Model also includes particles that transmit interactions, such as photons (responsible for electromagnetic interactions), W and Z bosons (responsible for weak interactions), and the Higgs boson (responsible for giving mass to other particles). Mechanisms).

These elementary particles are considered to be the basis of the material world, their properties and interactions are accurately described and predicted, and the validity of the Standard Model has been verified through experiments.

In Metasophy, all particles, including quarks, leptons, and particles listed in the table of elements, are not separate particles, but subatomic particles or sub-particles that have been deformed from “Consciousness” and are in Different qualities manifested in different evolutionary layers or spaces.

There are seven evolutionary levels of consciousness, with the eighth level and above belonging to the level of the Logos or Creator.

In addition to representing “Consciousness“, the above “C” also represents the meaning of the carrier that wraps consciousness in different evolutionary spaces. Consciousness from the first Density to the sixth Density is wrapped by neutrinos; so far, scientists have not understood what the “wrap” is that contains consciousness in the two singularities of the universe (time/space). Let’s call them C7 and C8.

Neutrinos, C7 and C8, all have the characteristics of super mass and ultra lightness, especially C8, which has the characteristics of infinite mass, infinite energy, and infinite small volume, and exists in everything. It is The Source of creation.

Cosmic Singularities

There are two singularities in the Universe: 1) Point of Creation; and 2) Point of Separation and Unity. They are still puzzling to scientists today.

Human Civilization

There are eight spiritual forms of life and various forms or appearances of life in the universe. Humans belong to the form of the yellow light, and our civilization is currently in the third Density stage and is transitioning to the fourth Density or the fifth metaverse.

All third densities in the universe have One common feature: once you are born here, you will forget all your memories, regardless of who you are or where you come from. This design has different names: the veil of forgetting, spiritual amnesia, closed-book exam…and so on. Different civilizations have different terms for this. Different civilizations have different experiences.

Purpose of Life

The purpose of life is to understand oneself; the ultimate purpose is for evolution.

Journey of the Soul

Through observing and experiencing life from different perspectives, ultimately achieving unity and returning to The Source. This is the ultimate goal of all souls.


Some people view nature as the result of natural processes and evolution, while others attribute its creation to divine beings or higher powers. This is a topic that has been debated for centuries.

Many concepts in Metasophy may subvert your cosmology and worldview to varying degrees. Paradox comes from a collision of perspectives. Remember, the truth cannot be generated from particle colliders; instead, it is gradually understood by individuals who persistently expand their consciousness and raise their vibrational frequency.

Some friends can’t help but ask, if concepts like “spacetime framework“, “graviton“, “black hole“, and “dark energy, dark matter“, which are theories in modern physics and quantum mechanics, were proven wrong; if the century-old foundation of physics were shaken, would the physics edifice painstakingly built by modern scientists One day collapse?

These are some prominent issues arising from matrix or linear thinking. The problems brought about by linear thinking are not only evident in physics but also in various aspects of society. Scientists, considered geniuses with the most powerful brains in history, are nonetheless no different from ordinary people at the level of consciousness; they too make the same mistakes as ordinary people and cannot escape the constraints of thinking matrices. This is precisely why the author chooses the “Law of Nature” as the primary purpose of the “Metasophy”.

The story of Earth and humanity is a microcosm of cosmic evolution. Let us together unveil the curtain of the “Law of Nature” and see what lies beyond!

Metasophycal Method

There is no absolute right or wrong in the world, only a matter of perspective and angle. A person’s existence will inevitably be influenced by the culture, education, religion, and society of their place of birth. Every society is a matrix, a spacetime with a specific frequency.

All things “invented” and established within these matrices are mainly used for learning and experience within that matrix. Therefore, most things, including scientific knowledge, do not apply to other matrices or spaces/times. Not to mention time/space. Learn more…>

I will answer and share everyone’s doubts One by One in the “Law of Nature” Talks.

In the final chapter “Metesophical Method“, I will share with you how to raise vibration frequencies and break out of various matrices, and information cocoons.

All the above is just an overview of the “Laws of Nature” and I will share their details in the relevant chapters.

Next: Veil, Matrix and Paradox


Love and Light

A humble messenger of the Infinite Creator