Active Meditation

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Active meditation is distinguished from passive meditation, such as: peach of mind, emptiness, Emptiness, Inaction, Samadhi, and other meditation methods. Active meditation is meditating in an active way. It includes muse, contemplation, pray, Visualization, White Magics… and other meditation methods.

Muse and Contemplation

Meditation is a way to reflect, muse, and contemplate, and it is One of the main methods used in active meditation. Experienced practitioners and experts particularly enjoy using it because the ultimate purpose of meditation is to serve others or oneself. By serving others, we naturally benefit ourselves, and by serving ourselves, we ultimately serve others as well. It is recommended for beginners to start with practices like emptying the mind or engaging in mindfulness meditation.

Purpose of Active Meditation

The goal and ultimate purpose of contemplation are similar to “stillness,” but they involve different methods. Its primary objective is not only to know and understand One’s True Self but also to learn to observe and gain insight into external phenomena, starting from self-service. Then, it aims to enhance One’s ability to engage with external matters and ultimately achieve the purpose of serving others and achieving graduation/harvesting.

How to Muse or Contemplate?

Contemplation, as the name suggests, is the opposite of “stillness” (or emptiness). It can be understood as focused and deliberate visualizing a specific thing, goal, symbol, point, and so on while excluding distractions and maintaining concentration. The condition is that you must first learn and master “stillness” and open the heart chakra. In other words, when you are able to enter the state of “stillness” with your consciousness, you can then concentrate your mind and focus on a particular object or matter.

From the author’s understanding, contemplation is an introductory practice for “concretion” and “white magic.” “White magic” refers to the adept application of contemplation, being able to think or visualize in a concrete manner and using it for serving others or oneself. At this stage, your contemplation reaches the embryonic form of white magic. Similarly, through continuous refinement and practice in terms of character, and by serving others or oneself, you strengthen your practice of contemplation/white magic. Gradually, you will become proficient in its application. White magic is the manifestation of opening the center of the blue ray, where you not only graduate or harvest but as RA said, you will move unhindered through the universe. Learn more by exploring the examples in the “Meditation Series” >


Prayer is One of the ways of active meditation. Prayer encompasses elements of praise, gratitude, confession, request, and more. It is also known by other synonymous terms such as supplication, blessing, and communication, and can even be used as incantations or protective invocations. Prayer or incantations, accompanied by appropriate music or specific sound waves, can help individuals in meditation to raise their vibrational frequency and aid in entering the state of “stillness” more effectively.

Prayer can be done individually, such as the prayers and blessings used in church or temple gatherings. In personal spiritual practice, it is often performed in conjunction with meditation.

Prayer Instructions

Prayer is an expression of free will. According to the Law of Attraction, the language or consciousness projected through prayer will attract similar consciousness or energy back. Language is a form of energy, and thoughts are also a form of energy. Language is the audible expression of thoughts and carries strong vibrational waves. Negative language can have a destructive impact, especially when spoken with resentment or anger. As the saying goes, “A kind word warms three winter months, while a harsh word chills even in June.” Energy is, in fact, a form of substance, and like attracts like.

Based on this reasoning, prayer with exchange conditions can have the opposite effect and attract negative energy beings or entities, even interfering with One’s life. There are numerous examples of this in real life. Possession-induced mental illnesses are One such example. It can range from mild sadness and low mood to severe depression, self-harm, or even suicide. Ultimately, it harms oneself and others.

Positive guiding spirits or guardian angels do not require you to please them. However, understanding gratitude and appreciation is progress in your own conduct and behavior. It is important to remember that positive spirits of higher vibration strictly adhere to the Law of Free Will. In other words, they will not proactively help you unless you ask. Their assistance is limited to matters that are beneficial for your spiritual growth. On the other hand, negative entities or spirits may actively engage with you and take advantage of your lack of understanding of the Law of Free Will, seizing the opportunity to lead you toward negativity. Although they are also bound by the Law of Free Will, they may offer you small favors such as fame, wealth, or pleasure, or provide certain abilities… and you may unknowingly or subconsciously accept their conditions. Their ultimate goal is to use and enslave you.

It is important to understand that prayer, like meditation practice, is not merely a technique but an experience. It is a means of expressing and seeking One’s True Self.

Prayer Forms

Prayer takes on various forms and there are different prayers used for different purposes.

You can kneel and prostrate yourself, or you can comfortably sit, stand, or even engage in prayer while working or walking. The various forms of religious practices primarily serve as reminders of our reverence for the divine. Different deities are worshipped and revered in different religions. Some believe in One supreme God, others believe in the Trinity, and some worship multiple gods together.

RA clearly admonishes humanity that all entities, except for the Creator, are messengers of the Creator. The higher the level of evolution, the more humble the entity. As for us humans, due to the Veil of Forgetting, we often operate with lower consciousness. Reverence and worship of the divine are understandable. The true purpose of prayer and meditation is to become aware of and realize the existence of truth. Once awakened, there is a great opportunity for enlightenment. After enlightenment, the mysterious veil is lifted… and we eventually discover that all the “deities” in various religions are no different from us. We all share the same ancestors, lineage, and origins. Therefore, conflicts and wars between individuals, nations, and even religions and countries are created by human desires and delusions… They are the social problems and root causes of humanity.

If there are any differences among us, it is merely the degree of our individual character cultivation, the different schools of practice we belong to, and the spaces/times we exist in. Those who have attained enlightenment become our teachers. We still need to learn humbly. Among these distinguished cosmic wanderers are Gautama Buddha, Fuxi, Laozi, Confucius, Jesus Christ, Muhammad… and countless star seeds, lightworkers, and more.

When practitioners meditate and recite prayers, their sincere praise and gratitude towards these enlightened beings are actually affirmations of them and themselves. It greatly benefits the elevation of consciousness (love) within oneself. The combination of prayer and meditation (emptiness) yields excellent results.

Prayer Text

We can use existing prayers or create our own prayers. They can be fixed or spontaneous. The most important thing is that they come from the depths of our hearts. Remember, language is energy, and thoughts are energy. High (vibrational frequency) consciousness is love.

Expressing Prayer Text

Prayer texts can be silently recited, softly spoken, or sung aloud. The form is flexible.

Forms and Expressions of Prayer

In relative terms, sincerity is more important. It can be understood as the form being flexible, but the key is whether it is done wholeheartedly. Wholeheartedness is love. The practice of third Density is the practice of learning to love.

Praise in Prayer

For higher beings, praise is like fine wine and exquisite cuisine. Although they have evolved into energy beings and do not require material food and drink, praise and gratitude are like spiritual delicacies and fine wine. They are the nourishment of positive energy. They delight the “gods” and bring joy to their hearts. Praise in prayer not only praises the grace of the “gods” but also lets your guiding spirits and guardian angels know that you are ready for meditation.

Example One

I am meditating in the love and light of the Infinite Creator

Grateful Prayer

Grateful prayer, usually used before various ceremonies. Such as before and after religious gatherings/congregations; such as before meals, before going to bed, and after waking up, etc. Likewise, we can use existing prayers or we can use prayers of our own creation. Both fixed and temporary ones can be used. The most important thing is the thought from the bottom of the heart.

Example Two

Thank you, the Infinite Creator, for your light, love, and all your creations.

My spirit guide, my mentor, thank you for your silent devotion to me. Thank you for your constant encouragement, guidance, and protection…

Mother Earth, thank you for everything you give.

Note: *Most of the spirit guides have had life experiences, and they may be your “elders” who have already passed away, and have participated in all your plans since your Reincarnation or Reincarnation, And arrange for a suitable mentor in your spiritual process; guardian spirits are not the case, they may never have a “physical” experience, and they are angels with pure energy bodies. If you already know their names, read them out.


保护祈祷,通常是用于冥想前,或在冥想中使用,而且非常重要。建议在冥想之前, 首先使用赞美/感恩祈祷;然后,再使用保护祈祷或咒语。


我祈求,自己能够置身于光与爱的保护之中。 我只允许积极的思想和能量来影响我。 我要远离消极思想和能量的人与事……


冥想目的也可以在赞美祈祷后立即使用。冥想目的是最重要的部分。它代表了冥想和祈祷的目的和你修炼的极向。当你寻求以物质为基础的方向时,你实际选择了负面极向。自然,你只会吸引负面的能量,比如说假的指导灵……请参阅上述祈祷须知。 切记,除非你决定选择负极向修炼,请勿祈求任何不劳而获的帮助。


我热切地寻求宇宙的真相。 我热切地寻找生命的意义。我将勤学、勤修。首先,从自身开始;  爱护自己,爱护家人、亲友……最终服务他人。


初学者第一个常犯的通病,就是在祈祷时,迫不及待地祈求上帝或自己熟悉的神明保佑。外求而非自助;第二个是许愿通病,诸如只要本人的问题得到解决,我就成为你的弟子,或建神像/重塑金身……等, 此乃与神明交易无疑;第三个通病,就是对自己此生目的还没了解前就胡乱地祈求。你将会更加忙乱。


因此,通常的祈祷到了上述 “冥想目的” 就可以止步了。但对于有 “急事” 需要求助神明的读者,花心思建议以下列实例五作为参考。请谨记,智不生凡心,财不进急门*。唯有清静,方能才智兼收。


我目前遇到了前所未有的挑战*(无需详述,指导灵对你的状况了如指掌)。 我恳求赐予我能量、助我渡过难关 (如果属身体疾病,则请求把疗愈能量传送到病灶/源位置)。


  1. 切勿使用负面字眼。仅记吸引力法则;
  2. 不要急于祈求取得神通,诸如打开天目等。在你没有准备好之前,你未必能应付得来。更有可能打乱了你此生 (预设) 的计划。
  3. 智不生凡心 -此乃花心思心得。

冥想结束后,使用感恩祈祷就如同文章时的一个段落,或一篇文章结尾的 “句号” 。有始有终。感谢自己的指导灵或守护天使也是你的礼貌;好让他们知晓你这一节冥想经已完成。


白魔法,亦称为可视化, 具象化 (修炼);也有称作 “阿特兰蒂斯知识”。多为行家使用。RA解释,对于行家而言,靛蓝色光芒刺激启动伟大的入口, 该实体进入治疗、魔法工作、虔诚的专注, 以及存有的发光; 紫罗兰色光芒的刺激是灵性的施与受 (来自造物者, 通往造物者), 从造物者到造物者。



白魔法,或阿特兰蒂斯知识。即使用心/身/灵复合体中各种能量的汇聚中心,以通往智慧无限的入口 (Gateway)。这就使心/身/灵复合体行使一些超自然的神迹,也就是所谓的魔法。换言之,一个实体一心一意地专注在服务他人或服务自我方面,因此,不费力地在个人修炼上加倍,再加倍能量,以至在智慧无限的入口充能 (energize)。

成吉思汗 -成功案例

RA透露,通过白魔法或阿特兰蒂斯知识,达到被收割的正面实体多不胜数。在我们的地球历史上,通过一心一意地专注在服务自我的实体,即负面实体中比较著名的有:”成吉思汗 (Genghis Khan)”、”塔拉斯布尔巴(Taras Bulba)” 和 “拉斯普京 (Rasputin)”。然而,也有不成功的例子,如著名的 “希特勒 (Adolf Hitler)” 。

希特勒 -不成功案例



对于我们人类而言,另一个比较有趣的例子,就是不同的生命形态利用白魔法或可视化修炼方式,去弥补或平衡所谓的 “天生” 不足。如天狼星 (Sirius)人。根据RA透露,天狼星的社会记忆复合体是从树木演化而来。宇宙中就有成为天狗 (Dog) 的行星,它存有树木形态的实体/生命。这些实体,是由第二密度演化到第三密度如地球人类。由于树木属静态植物,它们通过观察,瞭解了行动,并且通过可视化或白魔法,去想象各种行动,想象战争等。最终,从第二密度进化到第三、第四,甚至更高的密度。 了解更多……>

有兴趣的读者,请点击 “沉静“、”沉思“、”祈祷“、”白魔法” 或 “启动及清理脉轮” 等,继续去了解更多……>

下一章:超自然能力 >
