I borrowed the famous prayer from Morrnah N. Simeona and modified it a little as the introduction of this article:

I am the “I” from the void into light, I am the breath that nurtures the life and I’ll never die.

I am the emptiness and hollowness beyond all consciousness. The “I”, the “it”, the “all”.

I am the incoming and outgoing breath, like the invisible and untouchable breeze – this is my soul, my True Self as light.

My soul is free, it is flying with love, and light in this world, and this sky…

Walking on the earthly world, have you ever wondered who you really are, a flesh body, a soul, or…?

Who am I? This question seems simple, but I have spent most of my life searching for this answer. Luckily, it pays off. All of a sudden, I was enlightened. From the moment of epiphany, I feel like reborn from the ashes, as in a phoenix nirvana. It is no exaggeration to describe it as rebirth. For this reason, my team and I are so eager to share our experiences with you.

The Hand of God?

The launching of this website was due to a sudden inspiration from One of my meditations in the early spring of 2018. Since then, as if connecting the divine, the theme articles were completed like flowing water and wind, although I had not written articles for more than 30 years. I call it “the hand of God.” It is not that I have a philosophical or metaphysical background or attainments, but when you enter the state of automatic writing, your spirit guides will instill the knowledge you need into you. In addition, you can also download information from Akashic Archives. At this point, you are actually in a state of true meditation, which some people call the state of Alpha or Hypnotist. Whether it is in day or night, once in the state, I would immediately open the notebook and quickly tap the influx of thoughts on the keyboard.

The most exaggerated case was when I woke up with a thought after I meditated at night and slept for about an hour. Even though it was midnight, I still went downstairs. It seems that I had endless energy, working until the next night before going to bed. I did count it that within two days, I only slept for an hour. My wife was worried about me, but after I shared it with her, she also felt surprised. Experienced friends or Adept must be familiar with it, when entering the automatic writing state, it is like entering the so-called “channeling” state. When you open the heart chakra, you are connected to the downpouring “infinite intelligence” energy, which is also called the “Akashic Record“. At this point, you are like a UBS drive, while downloading or uploading files, you are also being charged. But I’ve enjoyed the writing over excitingly, I will still have extra energy to take care of my private stuff. I benefited a great deal from it.

Psychic Writing…

Some people’s automatic writing is more like a student’s dictation, listening and writing down word by word; but mine is different. First, I would hear some high-pitched sounds, as if I heard the school bell – it’s time for the class; then, you would get a strong feeling; at the same time, I would feel extremely excited, with the flow of thoughts, these feelings quickly transformed into a kind of consciousness; in addition, the consciousness was interpreted into words full of philosophy under the strong desire for pilgrimage. With the rhythmic keyboard tapping, beautiful words and phrases slowly appeared… Apart from magic, I could not find a better word to describe it. I admit that the words you read are far from showing the kind of love energy that is presented and felt in my mind. The lost part of this process is called deformation or Distortion by RA. Learn more…>

It is said that psychics do not have to be “geniuses”, but “geniuses” are mostly psychics. At least, I can say with certainty that Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein were both. Because they are now HUAXINSI’s members and my spiritual mentors. Fortunately, I have other tutors who will take turns to give advice based on needs. I will share these experiences and processes in detail in the Meditation Section of this website. Back to the topic, in the historical context of the time, most geniuses were unwilling to bear the slanderous infamy, and would not make it public. Occasionally, those who knowingly did so ended up sadly. In history, there were very few prophets who could survive through the ages, and most of them had been accused of deceiving the world. Some were even sentenced to death by hanging. Although people are now more civilized, they still sneer at these theories. In this regard, I used to have many concerns. However, too many concerns will lead to nothing. This was what I realized in meditation. As long as you have a big heart, you will overcome all obstacles, including your own psychological baggage and the opinions of others. Because each of us, whether through Incarnation or Reincarnation, has only One purpose, which is to know, to understand, and to surpass ourselves. The rest is not important at all! Learn more…>

Whether it is a guiding spirit, an angel, or an Archangel, they are all humble messengers of the Creator, who are responsive to requests. As long as you open your heart chakra, as long as great love is sparked in your heart, you can directly or indirectly receive the response you have called. although some responses are not necessarily what you expect; they must be what you need spiritually. When your mind is not right, you will also attract energy bodies of the same negative or lower vibrational frequency, commonly known as “possession” or “devil”. This is due to the law of attraction: “Like attracts like”. Learn more…>

The Reason for the Pseudonym

Through the teaching and communication of the guiding spirits, I have a deeper understanding of myself. M. L. was my personal pseudonym at the beginning. My last name’s initial is “L”; Each of the three children’s names contains an “M”. The first daughter is “Dream” and the second daughter and the younger son is “Ming”. They are both abbreviations of M which means “Dream” in Chinese – it represents the stage of my seeking; Ming refers to the states of understanding and enlightenment. Ming’s characters consist of the sun and moon, that is, Yin and Yang. The harmony of Yin and Yang is wisdom, and wisdom equals light. Therefore, M. L. is a metaphor for light and love. I hoped that my children would have dreams in their lives and always bathe in light and love. Later took MI LOVE as my pen name. More magical deciphers about “MILOVE” will be disclosed in the follow-up blog. It includes the answer to whether “Messiah” and “Buddha Maitreya” have descended to the earth. I also accidentally obtained it during a meditation between the Spring and Summer of 2018. It is actually related to my pen name. It turns out that the “Messiah” and “Buddha Maitreya“, the so-called “Savior” is already in the world. Only because our people “ignore” its existence. I will disclose it later in the Meditation section; and share with readers the “secret” of meeting “him”.

I had no intention of sharing my privacy, and I am not interested in becoming a public figure. But during a meditation, I heard my inner voice asking profoundly: “What is unconditional love?”.  Is it “share unconditionally”? My heart was lightened and I immediately made the decision to share these “treasures”; including my own privacy, as long as it is necessary. Because I think they would inspire others. I sincerely hope I can do it. I believe that it is very important to share exciting information with each other constantly.

Below, I try to describe and share this process of my understanding of “who am I?” in a concise way.

I divided the process into five main stages. They are Sense, Awareness, Awakening, Enlightenment and Post-enlightenment Practice. Everyone has different experiences and feelings for the understanding process and timelines of these four stages.

A Seed was Planted

Taking the author as an example, in my childhood, I used to ask who I am and why I am me instead of him or her. Will I die?… etc. There will always be no answers to such questions. After studying in the school, these questions were quickly put to the back of my mind; and such so “childish” questions were completely left behind after started working in such a busy world.

I call every setback and meaningful question in my life sowing or seeding. Because they are deeply engraved in your heart. I think this is the so-called Sensing stage. My sensing stage is particularly long. Because I was born in a family of atheists, “ashes to ashes, dust to dust”, naturally became the way of nature I believed in. From middle school, I began to weave my own dreams for the future… But after working, I discovered that reality is always cruel and ruthless. Having experienced all the ups and downs of my life, I was once looking back on it and suddenly found that my age was approaching “the Year of knowing the Destiny”.

The author’s real determination to find the truth came when the second marriage was about to end. At this stage, the author begins to review his own life. But what is puzzling is why so many repetitions happened to me. From staying in a haunted house, and being favored by the God of death, to investment failure, marriage failure, etc., they all happen again and again, but they all seem to be familiar. The previously sown seeds not only took root but also began to sprout. Questions such as “fate”, “past life and present life” and “who am I?” once again impacted my original belief foundation. I began and seriously embarked on a journey to find the truth. The author believes that this stage belongs to the beginning of awakening…

From sense, awareness to awakening can be very long, but it varies from person to person. This is closely related to his background. This includes his birthplace, family, beliefs, and cultural background, among others. The author will discuss it in a follow-up blog post. If necessary, the author is willing to share all personal experiences with readers, especially the failure part. This stage includes self-awareness, self-knowledge, and the state of beginning to understand and know oneself. The author thinks it belongs to the beginning of awakening.

This reminds me of a poem by Luo Guanzhong in the Ming Dynasty: “Who will wake up to the big dream first? I know it all my life. The cottage is full of sleep in spring, and the sun is late outside the window.”

My Awakening

In the following years, the author has read more than a hundred books on spirituality. Most of them are books about psychics; the second was about hypnosis, and then the scientists on psychic experiments and tests. I had also participated in several large gatherings for several years in a row. The speakers were all well-known psychic mediums, hypnotists, and spiritual healers from all over the world. If not experiencing it yourself, you will never realize how much this shock would impact on you. It is more like being suddenly awakened by a loud alarm clock in the early morning. As a result, the possibility of the existence of a soul began to constantly impact my hazy mind and shed light on the twilight zone of my perception.

It is worth mentioning that a friend of mine who was from Tbilisi, Georgia, this country used to be part of Russia. I call her a gypsy girl. Because she has eyes with special gifts and was born with 4C (Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience & Claircognizance ) abilities. My late father and aunt, respectively contacted me through her and dealt with several issues that would not be possible without their intervention. No outsider knows this past. Once, my friend told me that in the future you would host a similar topic, and the number of people attending the rally will be much larger than the number of people at present now. I regarded it as nonsense. Because spiritual gatherings with more than 500 people are rare in the United States, the mentioned gathering far exceeded this number. What’s more, I clearly aware that at that time, I haven’t even entered the threshold of cultivation. She also told me in addition that both my previous life and this life were her mentors… Her previous life was as an Amazon warrior, and she and I had respectively lived on other different planets. I was thinking, you are making me happy, and then I would take care of the bill for our dinner afterward. I actually did and she became a close friend of my family too. But in any case, during this period, I made a qualitative leap in my perception and rational understanding of the form of soul existence.

Became Alone

Not long before this time, I got divorced. After the divorce, I became single again. Carrying all of my wealth-in addition to two laptops and two suitcases, there is also with an outstanding deficit of more than five thousand dollars owed to the credit card company. I moved from Chicago to a small town in Guangdong, China. I was though destitute and suddenly found that I had a sense of ease and freedom that I had never felt before. But soon, this kind of pleasure was replaced by the melancholy of fewer than four digits left in my bank accounts. Fortunately, living standards were very low in those years. The rent of 15 dollars a day, staying in the cheapest hotel, has actually included free broadband Internet access. The tiny tea table in between two single sofas became the worktable for me and the only local colleague of mine; to save money, the $1.50 salted-chicken box lunch and a bowl of clear soup became my best choice for lunch and dinner. This kind of life lasted more than a year.

For me, this is another zeroing stage of mine,  not spiritually, but financially. The last time was when I escaped from Hong Kong to the United States due to my failure to invest. It was what happened after the Asian financial crisis in 1989…

The Last Puzzle

Although the celibate life is lonely, it gives people more space for their own thinking and living. It was during this period that I accelerated my pace on the path of seeking the truth and began to try meditation. I was curious about meditation. I remember One time when I visited my younger sister in Chicago, at midnight when the meditation was in progress, I whimsically wondered if there was a God or if I could talk to my spirit guides, or if could he manifest and make me feel his existing, until…the thought flashed…In an instant, a powerful electric current penetrated from the top of my head to my spine. “Wow…”. All of a sudden, my hair stood up, without knowing what to do… ” Oh, got it…got it!”, I muttered to myself. Since then, I was convinced that meditation could channel.

The key to meditation is to learn how to open the heart chakra. But before opening the heart chakra, which is also called the green light and “Love and understanding consciousness” chakra, it is particularly important to learn how to activate and cleanse the lowest chakra representing the “Instinct, Survival Sense” chakra which is in red color; and so does to “Ego” chakra which is in orange color. I followed the inner guidance to live in the moment, and live in whatever way I want, including working, studying, and dealing with others… Miraculously, all the troubles are solved One by One. In my life, there was a sense of comfort that I had never experienced before, as if driving on an expressway that was originally full of traffic lights, after a blink of an eye, all the way down, there was nothing but green light, there was no One but yourself only. Driving so fast and so smoothly that you had never felt more enjoyable and carefree than that.

Finally, One day in 2006, I had an epiphany. In fact, the so-called epiphany – is based on countless experiences and long-term thinking. Once the meditation started, coupled with deeper contemplation, the long-thought questions have been pondered were answered in an instant. It is as if the last layer of window paper has been pierced through, and you can see the bright light coming in. From then on, my mind was no longer confused as if I was completely freed from the suffering and confusion in the past. My heart is filled with indescribable joy. Life has since then had a clear direction.

The author understands that epiphanies are mostly not achieved through systematic and methodical learning; at least, the author is not. Epiphany is a bit like finding and completing the last piece of the puzzle from the irregular puzzle pieces in the old cargo hold; on the contrary, most of gradual enlightenment people achieve it step by step through more formal studies.

Thinking and understanding “this mind is Buddha” was the last piece of the puzzle I found. Certainly, the so-called thinking is more accurately called “contemplation or muse”. It is not a single operation of the left brain, nor is it any “external” practice method. It is an “inner” state where “meditation” sinks into the roots of the arborescent mind… a mystery to most. “Seek and you will find” with this meditation.

The most obvious characteristic of enlightenment is that your consciousness can pass through the gateway of the “Infinite Intelligent Energy”, which is also called the “watershed”. In layman’s terms, you are capable of channeling.

In consciousness, there is a watershed between body consciousness and spiritual consciousness. It is what we often say, the Veil of Forgetting between consciousness and unconsciousness. The veil looks thin, but it is impenetrable. Opening the heart chakra is the only tool to lift the veil or pass through the Gateway.

These theories were all learned after  “Post-enlightenment Practice“. After the epiphany, the most obvious change I felt was the sharpening of my consciousness and insight. For example, no matter when and where, when you search for some information, read an article, watch a program, or meet someone, you will naturally resonate with people and things or develop resistance immediately. Afterward, you will find that your sixth sense is extremely accurate. Slowly I developed some abilities like predictive power. In this way, you will save a lot of time in your life and work, and avoid detours.

Another important experience after the epiphany, I felt that I had a “ruler” in a simple but practical way. When I encountered anything, I would use it to measure. For example, if I have to make a decision, I will ask myself whether my decision was made “from the bottom of my heart”. “Heart”-it is this ruler. I found it to be very effective and works for everything. After using this tool, my life quickly got on the right track. In just two or three years, I had basically solved the various problems that I had accumulated for many years.

Post-Enlightenment Practicing

Enlightened friends and adepts have all been aware that once the green ray is connected, you have the ability to enter the blue ray. You will naturally have a strong desire and motivation to communicate freely and share with others. At the same time, you will also find that the knowledge you have actually mastered, in terms of breadth and depth, is far from enough to explain the “essence of the world” and the “truth of life “. A systematic study of the connection between the universe and life and the process of how spiritual evolution works has become a compulsory course for me. This is why further learning and practicing in need comes after enlightenment.

A strong desire will push you to continue to learn deeply, and your ability will increase with the improvement of your level of consciousness. When the “time” is ripe, starting to serve others or self is as natural as the ripening of a melon which will then fall. This is quite different from the manifestation of serving the self. The latter is for self-expression and self-serving without being responsible for others; the former is for serving others, which is the ultimate expression of maturity, responsibility, and love.

I found that in this learning process, it turned out that it was me, myself who benefited the most. I deeply realize that “serving others” is actually “serving self”. However, the order of the sequence represents the polarizing orientation of the positive and negative entities. But regardless of any evolution, in the end, all things are One, and all lives are One. This is the “Law of One.”

What’s interesting is that because my automatic writing is not obtained in the form of “dictation”, I cannot easily obtain some contents that are difficult for me to understand. At this time, my mentor will use a manifestation of “supernatural powers”, which we call “Synchronicity”, to deliver me on-demand information at the best time. Let me use the channels of the physical world to get it. For example, when you search for a book or a keyword on the Internet, they use ideas to help you fulfill these needs. The “Law of One” came into my sight in this situation, as well as other materials that I needed for my writing other than meditation only. Just like RA’s group built the Egyptian pyramids. In this way, they consumed a lot of energy. I am so grateful to my guiding spirits. My wife once asked me, “What are the great gods doing every day?” I replied humorously: “They could only play Mahjong if we don’t call out for help.” Here is half the truth.

I Met Jim McCarty

After receiving the “Law of One”, I couldn’t wait to finish reading it in a month or two. Almost all the questions accumulated before and after enlightenment were answered, the remaining mysteries being gradually revealed through subsequent meditations. To this day, I still love reading it. I think the “Law of One” is a must-read book for “wanderers”, light workers and anyone who wants to understand the universe. The HUAXINSI’s contents are thus enriched. I believe that my soul, other than to continue learning and practicing the “Law of One,” must have other connections with it. We will unravel this mystery by directly interviewing RA who is now in sixth Density, and the late Don Elkins and Kara Ruckert in our “Interviews” series program.

In the spring of 2018, I visited James Allen McCarty, who still lived in Louisville, KY. Wearing jeans and a small man, he enthusiastically introduced me to the memorable furnishings in his room full of small plants, and his assistants Gary Bean and Austin Bridges at work beside a pile of books of the Law of One. Jim alone invited me to ride in his old car, driven by him, and we had lunch at a nearby vegetarian restaurant. During lunch, he asked me for my comments after having read the Law of One. Looking at his deep eyes and a familiar face, apart from the first impression that popped into his mind, “The Great Wanderer”, my mind became blank, and I didn’t even ask him a question. We just chatted with each other about some family stuff…It seems that I have got the answers to all the questions. I noticed that he missed his late wife Carla L. Rueckert very much and Don Elkin, who respected his mentor and friend. The conversation for more than an hour seemed to end in an instant, but the image of a gentleman was forever frozen in my memory…

When hugged before parting, I couldn’t help but shed some tears on Jim’s thin shoulder. I secretly determined that One day in the future, I would be able to invite the whole team of the “Law of One” to attend and answer all the readers’ questions in a channeling gathering. I hope this day comes soon.

Chose to be a Humble Messenger

The stage of cultivating after enlightenment is One of the stages that I think is the most talked about. Because at this stage, I really opened my horizons and transformed enlightenment-this kind of hazy perception into transferable rational knowledge. Although, it has a solid (cosmic level) scientific foundation. For the general public, we still call these theories “Philosophy” or “Metaphysics”. Mainly, from the perspective of our third Density, due to the veil, these theories have not been acknowledged by our scientists. On our planet, the opportunity to fully lift the veil is just around the corner.

What’s more interesting is that the article that was originally placed in the “Consciousness and its Layers” on the theme article of Huaxin, One day I discovered that it could no longer be opened. For the next few days, I was confused and thought it was a WordPress software glitch. Later, I realized from my meditation that I had been “arranged” to continue writing some blog posts in my own name, and “consciousness” is the focus. Because, in this way, in addition to being more personal, blogs in the name of individuals also break free from many fetters. For example, articles of philosophical or metaphysical style are too serious, boring, and difficult to understand; moreover, revealing more in personal name will not violate the law of “free will”. After all, I am just a “physical” messenger, nothing more.

Priceless Treasure

In my opinion, if all of HUAXINSI’s Articles are a gold mine, blogs such as “soul”, “consciousness”, “complex” and “chakra” are the diamonds that adorn this gold mine. The description of “consciousness” is more like a crown surrounded by diamonds. Because it clearly describes the level and state of consciousness that a mind/body/Spirit Complex is in when it evolves in different densities; including on earth, the role of consciousness at each stage in the evolution of our human beings; even It may produce different changes in different people’s daily lives. Consciousness not only links and affects every person, every family, every state, country, and even a planet, galaxy, and universe. Every One of us is a small universe. The similarities and differences of consciousness are the roots of the problems of human society; it is applicable to almost all densities except the first Density and densities above 6.5th Density in the universe. This is the magic of creation.

HUAXINSI, including most of the content of my articles and blog under the name of “MI LOVE”, is based on the learning gained at this stage. For light workers who are determined to serve others, especially for those who are “Enlightened in epiphany” and those who choose the “Gradual enlightenment” approach, our articles and blog are specifically written for you. This is our purpose and mission; whether you are an Adept achieved through gradual enlightenment or epiphany, if you think or find our shortcomings, please point them out and offer your advice. I would be very grateful.

Who am I? What is the True Meaning of Life?

From the void and back to the void is the evolution of life. I have learned from meditation and the aforementioned studies and practices that a person is not simply a physical body. In fact, the essence of a person is a soul. A soul chooses the right body and dwells in it; more precisely, it is a mind/body/Spirit Complex. A body is more like a vehicle for long-distance traveling, and This soul is like a driver on this vehicle. Whether it is an Incarnation or Reincarnation for learning and experiencing this third-Density curriculum, this complex of mind/body/spirit is indispensable. Because the third Density is the only Density with a “veil”. I call this Density the “Closed-book examination” place. Therefore, knowing self, and understanding self is One of the most important courses of this Density. Only in this way will you have the opportunity to lift the veil between our conscious and unconscious. Otherwise, the opportunity of following the earth which is on the way to upgrading to fourth Density for continuous learning will become almost impossible. What awaits us is the destiny that we must be transferred to another third-Density planet that exists in the solar system or the galaxy for repeated learning. Learn more…>

In addition to the soul, consciousness is something we humans know very little about it. I am fortunate to have a more in-depth study and understanding of it through my spirit guides’ teaching. My belief is that consciousness is love, which is the answer to all questions. The content that I am going to share with you is the most precious knowledge I think I have learned in my life.

Love is the key to unlocking the mystery of our veil; while meditation is the best tool to pass through the green-ray gateway, and reach out to the mysterious blue-ray realm.  Sharing divine wisdom and love is exactly my purpose and mission. There will be many of them that you may have never heard of or watched before, which will be unfolded in my follow-up blog and the Interview program.

I did my homework that it only took about two years from the moment of my “Awakening”, to the moment of “Enlightenment”;  but from the moment of the “Enlightenment” to the determination of establishing the “HUAXINSI” website, when it is called the “Pro-enlightenment practice”, it took me a full twelve years of experiencing, digesting, further learning and practicing it; brewing the thinking and ideas before building websites, and its related works took me another two to three years. I am not smart at all that I spent too much of my time before pursuing the so-called dream of success. Fortunately, these personal experiences, especially the failed ones, gave me a more personal lesson and a deeper understanding of life.

Love is the answer to all questions!

Looking back on the past, you can’t help but be surprised to find that everything that happened in your life, no matter how big or small, is a kind of “catalyst” without exception. Take failure as an example, they will become a reference for your success; pain and illness will give you a deeper understanding of health and happiness. Knowing the warmth is because we have experienced the cold winter…

Fate is determined by the heart and your heart can change your destiny. Gratitude and forgiveness are the best medicine; love is the answer to all questions. Enjoying and living in the moment with my heart is my current state.

The content of HUAXINSI’s articles is like a blueprint, a simple road map of the evolution of the universe and life, and I hope to share and help those self-driving travelers who need to be guided in their spiritual evolution journey, like me, on the surface of the Earth-this spiritual desert, no longer get lost, and reach the next station faster and safer.

For the readers, even if we are just a small candle, as long as we can shed you a gleam of light like a match, we will be greatly satisfied.


As for who are you? My dear friend, you must find the answer yourself.

Because no One can help you awaken except yourself; let alone enlightenment. The essence of man is the soul, not the body. Before the veil is lifted, it is necessary to know yourself and understand yourself. Awakening must be based on a strong desire and persevering will to seek.

The truth is everywhere, but you won’t find it without seeking it!


Living in a small town, I not only harvested my career but also my love and M&M, the two lovely kids, who are like my little angels. My joy in life continues…

Love & Light

A humble Messenger of the Infinite Creator

(Written in Florida on November 11, 2020)

… … …


RELATED: About MiLOVE | Who am I? | I am MiLOVE | My Enlightenment Process | My Enlightenment Experience | Enlightenment Methods | I Met “Ghosts“! |