The term “Shaman” primarily refers to individuals who have the ability to enter a state of “altered consciousness” and possess skills such as prophecy, healing, communication with the spiritual world, and the ability to journey into the spiritual realms. Shamans can be known by various names, including witch doctors, sorcerers, exorcists, diviners, necromancers, channeler, spirit translator or soul walkers. Shamanic practices are found in Shamanistic religions distributed in North Asia, Central Asia, Tibet, Northern Europe, and North America. Shamans in Shamanic traditions are regarded as possessors of mystical knowledge.
In the context of spiritual articles or blogs, the term “Shaman” is used more broadly to refer to individuals who have acquired or mastered knowledge of personal growth and development, and are actively serving others after undergoing personal transformation. It aligns with the concept of modern-day Shamans, albeit with some differences from ancient Shamanic practices. The author categorizes them as practitioners of the True Self or adepts.
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