In this article, the author would like to share some fundamental concepts regardingDistortionand the newly created term “Meta-Distortion so that everyone can better understand the structure, ideas, and content of Metasophy. More detailed descriptions will be shared in the corresponding chapters.

It can be said that the basic concept of “Metadistortion” is fundamental – without understanding it, we cannot understand the universe!

A Parable: The Story of Creation

Today, I want to start with a parable to explain a term commonly used in Metasophism: “Metadistortion”.

“When humanity was created, after some time of development, God wanted to tell the story of creation to the world One day. So, He manifested Himself before the leaders and prophets of the five continents, telling them about the process of creation and some important matters in detail. He instructed them to pass these stories and knowledge to their people.

God chose the wisest and most influential leaders and prophets, descending personally before them. His brilliance illuminated the entire land, and the leaders and prophets were deeply shaken, kneeling in reverence and listening to God’s teachings. God explained in detail the formation of the heavens and earth, the origin of humanity, and the most mysterious laws of the universe.

The leaders and prophets of the five continents, not daring to neglect this responsibility, immediately gathered their people and recounted God’s words repeatedly. One tribe passed it to another, One generation to the next. The same story was passed down through countless generations… However, during this process, different leaders or prophets interpreted God’s teachings in different ways. Some mistakenly believed that they were the only true messenger of God; some added or replaced parts of the story based on their understanding; others, influenced by cultural differences, integrated God’s teachings into their mythological systems.

From primitive tribes to today’s civilized world, from oral traditions to written records, audio, and video documentation—times have changed, and the cultures, languages, and social structures of the past have transformed beyond recognition. The story of God’s creation passed down in so many different ways, has become unrecognizable. Isn’t what we hear and read in theology, religion, and natural science today the result of the continuous Distortion of God’s creation story from thousands of years ago?”

What if we gathered the leaders of the five continents today and asked them to retell the creation story? Perhaps these leaders, because of differences in language, culture, and era, would once again distort the original meaning of the ancient story. The above fable expresses the concept of “metamorphosis” in at least One Dimension.

What is “Distortion”?

In The Law of One, RA frequently used “distortion” to describe the various magical transformations that occurred after the universe was created. I also like to use it to describe the same phenomenon in my writings and blogs.

Thus, I consistently used the term “Distortion” in my writings and blogs until I began preparing my TALKS on the “Law of Nature”, where I realized it still didn’t accurately and concisely express the ideas of evolution and transformation related to the term Distortion.

As I emphasized in my article “Reality, Truth, and Paradox”, the evolution of the universe isn’t merely a flat, One-dimensional process but a multi-layered evolution. Therefore, “Distortion” encompasses not only changes in a 3D but also in multi-dimensions and densities.

I also considered using terms like “Deformation”, “Metamorphosis”, or “Evolution” to replace “Distortion.” As I mentioned in the article, the concepts of “evolution”, “metamorphosis”, or “Deformation” have already been defined by the cultural matrix of our Earth. Metamorphosis tends to refer to a natural, evolutionary change (often positive or neutral);Deformation focuses primarily on physical change, and while it implies a shift in form, it lacks the conceptual depth of Distortion in meaning. These terms represent human linear thinking and are products of our Earth’s matrix, unable to express a broader, more multi-dimensional concept that transcends Density and Dimension.

Origin of the Term “Metadistortion”

The term “Metadistortion” is derived from “Distortion.” It is a key concept in Metasophy because it includes the various magical phenomena that occur during the creation and evolution of the universe on multiple levels. These phenomena mainly manifest in the spiritual and material aspects. For example, physical entropy increases after the universe’s creation, and spiritual entropy decreases during the universe’s evolution. In nearly every matrix region, everything experiences meta-Distortion in either their spiritual or physical state.

Due to subject division and time constraints, I will focus more on discussing “Metadistortion” and its relation to our matrix in this lecture. The phenomena of entropy increase and decrease will be discussed in the TALKS “The Law of Entropy” under the “Principle of Creation”.

The meaning of “Metadistortion” includes not only physical or morphological changes but also cultural and spiritual transformations, as well as evolution across different spacetime dimensions and civilizations. So far, no language in the world, including Chinese, has an accurate term to express the above concepts. Therefore, I believe it is necessary to introduce a new term: Metadistortion.

Before we delve further into “Metadistortion,” let me explain why I recommend using “Metadistortion” or “Metadeformation”.

Metadistortion and Its Definition

“Metadistortion” consists of two parts: “Meta” and “Distortion”. In English, “Meta” is a prefix indicating change. In the ancient Greek dictionary, “Meta” also means beyond or transcending. In Chinese, “元” (Meta) represents fundamental, basic; primary, initial; and first. “Meta” is also used in terms like Metasophy and Metasophism.

In Metasophy, “Metadistortion” includes not only Distortion, appearance change, twist, or transformation but also concepts of evolution. Most importantly, it refers to both single-dimensional transformations and multi-dimensional evolutions that have occurred, are occurring, and will happen across different densities in the universe. In short, “Metadistortion” encompasses physical, cultural, dimensional, and civilizational evolution and transformation.

The Key Differences Between “Distortion” and “Metadistortion”

Distortion” generally refers to the evolution of something within a single plane or Dimension. For example, the development of a civilization represents a transformation. In contrast, “Metadistortion” refers to the evolution of something across multiple dimensions or layers. For instance, it encompasses the evolution of the entire universe.

Various forms of “Metadistortion” have been present since the moment the universe was created, driving its continuous evolution. This concept will be explored throughout the entirety of the Metasophy lecture series.

Metadistortion of Spirit and Matter

Metadistortion operates on two major levels: matter and spirit. Matter is the external manifestation of spirit, and the two are inseparable. Transformations in the material world, such as energy shifts or space distortions, are the result of changes in spirit. Likewise, spiritual changes are reflected in the material realm.

The transformations within the universe arise from the interaction between spirit and matter. Human civilization and cultural shifts are examples of this, reflecting the evolution of consciousness. In the realm of physics, transformations such as the warping of spacetime are dynamic processes through which consciousness systems express themselves via matter.

Metadistortion in Three Dimensions and Multiple Dimensions

Three-dimensional metadistortion refers to the outcomes of various evolutions within the third Density, such as the differences seen in the societies and cultures on Earth today. These differences manifest through the interactions, clashes, and fusion between different races and beliefs in cultural exchanges.

In contrast, multidimensional metadistortion refers to the differences in civilizations that occur across various densities and dimensions. This includes variations in vibration frequencies and densities between different planets, as well as how these civilizations interact and influence One another.

The collisions and fusion of these multidimensional metadistortions form the fundamental mechanism behind the diversity and multiplicity of the universe. They not only illustrate the laws of cosmic physical motion but also reveal the path of consciousness evolution.

Creation is an Infinite Cycle of Metadistortion

The universe is a process of infinite creation and endless circulation. Creation begins from The Source, from high Density to low Density, and goes through the process of “physical entropy increase” of eight densities or twelve metaverses and countless dimensions; Conversely, the evolution of life in the universe follows the opposite path, moving from low Density to high Density, undergoing the same eight densities or twelve metaverses in a process of “spiritual entropy decrease”, ultimately returning to The Source.

These evolutionary processes describe not only the flow of energy but also the progressive evolution and metadistortion of consciousness. The tension between The Source and the end drives the continuous transformation, bringing about the continuous creation and evolution of the universe. The cycle continues.

The consciousness levels or vibrational frequencies of entities of different densities are highly compatible with the matrix in which they live. The lower the Density, the lower the understanding and the perception is relatively low; One will also be accustomed to being in a relatively separated state of thinking. Although from a higher level of consciousness, whether at its highest Density or its lowest, the universe remains One interconnected whole.

New Terminologies in Metasophism

The essence of Metadistortion lies in the transformation of original or core truths as they pass through various levels of perception and interpretation. Just like in the game of “Telephone Game”*, the message becomes increasingly distorted as it is transmitted, eventually departing from its original meaning.

Philosophically, this refers to how fundamental truths, when filtered through cultural, social, and cognitive lenses, are altered, leading to fragmented interpretations. Over time, these distortions can become so severe that they obscure the original reality. This necessitates a reevaluation of concepts and the introduction of new terminologies to realign our understanding with authentic, original truths. We will be introducing more new terms for Metasophism.

The phenomenon of metadistortion, which affects the evolution of the universe, spirit, and matter, also plays a role in human cognition and communication. The emergence of new terminologies is part of our effort to correct these distortions and restore a clearer understanding of existence and reality.

Since the birth of the universe, various forms of metadistortion have existed and have continuously influenced its evolution. These concepts will be explored in depth throughout the entire TALKS series on Metasophism.

History is Written by the Victors

As a conclusion to this article, the author will draw on the saying, “History is written by the victors”. This implies that historical stories are not necessarily reflective of historical truths. They may have been fabricated or altered. It also signifies that victors or rulers often control the writing of history, making it reflect their viewpoints, values, or interests.

One famous example of this is the rewriting of history during Stalin’s reign in the Soviet Union. After Stalin rose to power, not only did he purge his political rivals through the Great Purge, but he also rewrote the entire historical narrative. Many revolutionary leaders who had worked alongside him, like Trotsky, were erased from history books and photos, or denounced as counter-revolutionaries, while Stalin was portrayed as the sole righteous leader of the Soviet Union. This manipulation of history reshaped people’s perceptions at the time and influenced Soviet historiography until the truth gradually emerged after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

This example not only demonstrates how victors erase opposition and control historical records but also reveals the profound impact this has on the national consciousness, perfectly illustrating the core idea of this theme. Many such examples exist, and those interested in these historical events are encouraged to research further on their own.

Next: Collective Unconsciousness and Perception Agreements


Love and Light

MiLOVE, a humble messenger of the Infinite Creator


* Reference The “Telephone game” is a common party game used to illustrate how information becomes distorted or changed as it is passed through multiple people. The basic gameplay involves the first person whispering a sentence or phrase to the second person, who then passes it on to the third person, and so on, until the last person. When the last person says the sentence aloud, it is often drastically different from the original, sometimes even completely unrecognizable, leading to amusement and surprise.

This game is often used to demonstrate how, during verbal transmission, information can gradually become distorted due to personal understanding, memory errors, or inaccurate expression. It symbolizes how easily communication can lead to misunderstandings and can be used to explain misrepresentation and Distortion in language and culture.