In this chapter, I will share some basic concepts of “The Nature and Paradox of the Universe” to help you understand the structure, ideas, and content of “Basic Theories of Metasophy”.


For thousands of years, whether ancient sages or modern scientists, they have been trying to answer an eternal question: What is the nature of the universe? Many philosophers and spiritual leaders believe that the universe has a creator or some transcendent force operating behind the scenes, driving the existence of everything. However, with the development of human science, this question is increasingly rarely mentioned in the public discourse of scientists. Even though some scientists privately admit that they believe in a creative force beyond human understanding, they often evade this topic when addressing the public. This phenomenon reveals the deep paradox of the nature of the universe in today’s society.

Ancient Sages and the View of Creation

Ancient philosophers and sages generally believed that the universe did not exist by chance, but was intentionally designed by a transcendent creator. For example, Plato, in his Theory of Forms, proposed that the material world is merely a shadow of the world of ideas, and behind the existence of this world of ideas is a transcendent wisdom. Similarly, Eastern Taoist teachings, especially in the Tao Te Ching, emphasize that “the Tao gives birth to all things,” meaning that the functioning and order of everything in the universe originates from a fundamental, formless principle – the “Tao.” The Tao can also be understood as the Law of Mature.

These ancient teachings suggest that the universe is a conscious and purposeful creation, and its operation follows inviolable laws. These laws can be intuitively perceived, and can also be understood through meditation or deep introspection. However, these views largely belong to the metaphysical and idealistic realm, relying more on spiritual experiences rather than empirical data from the material world. This is precisely where the paradox lies!

The Dilemma of Modern Science

As humanity entered the modern era, we began to turn to a science-based knowledge system to seek an understanding of the universe. However, although scientific advancements have enabled us to describe the laws governing the material world, discussing the ultimate origin of the universe and the driving forces behind it has proven to be extremely challenging. Despite privately holding beliefs that go beyond the material realm, many scientists often choose to avoid topics related to the “Creator” or so-called “Idealism” and spirituality due to professional, positional, or uncertain considerations.

This phenomenon partly stems from internal pressures within the scientific community. In the science framework, all knowledge should be based on observable and measurable data, not on faith or metaphysical speculation. As a result, discussions involving the “Creation” or “Idealism” related to the spiritual realms are often deemed incompatible with the scientific method. This leads to a dilemma for scientists when confronting the nature of the universe: they cannot fully rely on existing scientific tools to answer fundamental and essential questions such as “Why does the universe exist?”.

The Tension Between Faith and Science

This situation creates a significant paradox. Scientists attempt to explain the universe’s origin through observation and experiments, such as the Big Bang theory, but often they avoid delving into deeper discussions about the driving forces behind the creation of the universe. Albert Einstein, for example, expressed a belief in a “higher intelligence behind the order of the universe”, although he emphasized that this was not a personal God. This ambiguous attitude reflects the tension scientists face between reason and intuition.

Many contemporary physical theories, such as quantum mechanics and the multiverse theory, suggest that certain phenomena in the universe operate beyond our conventional experience. The development of these theories reveals that the material world may not be our only reality; it may even be just a surface perception. However, although these scientific advances have gradually opened up space for discussions on metaphysical questions, the scientific community still lacks a unified framework to explain the creative nature of the universe.

The Limitations and Unknowns of Modern Theories

While contemporary scientific theories like the Big Bang theory, quantum physics, and the study of dark matter have revealed many of the universe’s operational laws, they still cannot answer the ultimate question: “Why does the universe exist?” Even more challenging is that as scientific exploration deepens, we uncover even more unknowns. The existence of dark energy, dark matter, and gravity suggests that there are still vast components of the universe we do not yet understand, further deepening the mystery of its nature.

These scientific “Unknowns” share certain similarities with the “Unknowable” described in ancient Metaphysics and with philosophical “Agnosticism“. The term “Unknowable” refers to things or phenomena that transcend our current knowledge, understanding, or perception, making it impossible for us to ascertain or recognize their true nature. In philosophy, “Agnosticism” refers to the belief that certain questions – especially those concerning Metaphysics, mysticism, or religion, such as “Does God exist?” or “What is the ultimate nature of the universe?” – are beyond human capacity to ultimately answer. This stance doesn’t deny the existence of these questions but suggests that their answers lie beyond our understanding. Indeed, this seems to be the case.

The truth of the universe does not merely reside within our material world but transcends the realm we can observe and comprehend.

Why Does the Nature of the Universe Remain a Mystery?

Despite the significant advances we believe we’ve made in scientific research, the true nature of the universe remains a mystery.

Could it be that part of the reason lies in the methods and tools we use to understand it? For example, scientific methods cannot capture metaphysical truths. Our senses and cognition are limited to the framework of the three-dimensional world, making it difficult for us to transcend the material level to grasp the fundamental nature of the universe. Is this because the nature of the Creator of the universe is beyond human comprehension, and only by integrating both scientific and metaphysical frameworks can we gain a more comprehensive understanding of the truth of the universe?


Relying solely on so-called logic or scientific methods to analyze and judge all things (including those beyond the three-dimensional space) traps our thinking within the prison of the three-dimensional matrix. You won’t be able to arrive at the correct answers. This is because the universe is unified, and the things within the framework of the three-dimensional matrix are not separate from the universe. If you forcibly separate them and continue to explore the universe with today’s so-called logic or scientific methods within the three-dimensional matrix, the results are bound to be flawed. In my opinion, it is not that modern science is inadequate, but that it has not yet found the correct method for exploring the universe.

So, what is the logic or scientific method that goes beyond the three-dimensional matrix? We must return to fundamental, eternal questions:

  1. What is the nature of the universe?
  2. What does space beyond the three-dimensional matrix include?
  3. Can human senses understand the universe?
  4. What is the significance of the coexistence of idealism and materialism?

The opposition between idealism and materialism reflects the thinking characteristics of beings in a dualistic world (like humans), which also brings us back to the fundamental question: What is the nature of the universe? – This is precisely the focus of The Law of Nature that will be discussed.

Explanation of Metasophy

In the fundamental theory of Metasophy, you will find answers similar to the following, along with detailed explanations:

  1. The essence of the universe is defined as The universe is the creation of the Creator, and the purpose of creation is for the Creator to experience itself in its entirety.
  2. The universe consists of eight evolutionary levels or twelve universal elements. It encompasses all that exists.
  3. Humans on Earth belong to the third Density of life forms, and human senses naturally align with the vibrational frequency of this matrix.
  4. The universe is One unified entity. Consciousness creates everything, including the material aspects. The significance of the conflict between idealism and materialism lies in how humans can use their sixth sense to complete what is akin to a “closed-book exam” designed specifically for third-Density beings, thereby discovering the true nature of the universe.

The opposition between idealism and materialism reflects the thinking patterns of beings (like humans) existing in a dualistic world, which is also a central topic in the discussion of Metasophy.

Example Explanation

We humans (including our scientists) are all, to varying degrees, influenced and constrained by different matrices, such as biological, spiritual, and cultural matrices. Our five senses cannot comprehend anything beyond the third Dimension. Our cognitive ability, like a computer’s memory (RAM) and central processing unit (CPU), is limited by memory, speed, and processing power, preventing us from handling more complex data structures and information.

Compared to memory, speed, and processing power, the key element is the algorithm. You can think of this as your focus or attention. If we misunderstand the essence of something, our algorithm will naturally be flawed. Consequently, no matter how large your memory is, or how fast or powerful your processing capabilities are, the data you process may still be useless, at least not accurate or applicable information.

Here’s another example related to dimensions: Imagine using a computer as an operation within One Dimension. Browsing the internet, downloading data, and cloud storage are activities linked to other dimensions. If you are in a place with a firewall and have never browsed the external network beyond the local network, even if you have a supercomputer, you cannot imagine how media operates on YouTube. Similarly, human senses, like computers with firewalls, cannot browse or understand the world beyond the local network, nor can they access or download useful information. Unless we possess something like a VPN. The so-called VPN is a metaphor for expanding consciousness. Once our consciousness extends to a certain degree, we can transcend the limitations of the firewall and connect with other dimensions. Cross-dimensional thinking is the correct direction for scientific exploration!

In this example, we liken the human body (five senses) to a firewall (biological matrix). However, in reality, humans face even more firewalls, such as the Van Allen belts and the lunar matrix, as well as the effects of information cocoons and spiritual matrices – these topics can be found in the articleMatrix and Information Cocoonsand other related writings, which are not discussed here in detail.

No matter how it is explained, all of the above are phenomena occurring within the same Dimension. To truly transcend the limits of the senses and rationality, we must pursue inner cultivation and spiritual exploration to approach the essence and truth of the universe.

Ongoing Search for Truth

In summary, the paradox of the universe’s essence reflects both the limitations of human intellect and our yearning for ultimate truth. Ancient wisdom and modern scientific exploration complement each other, but when it comes to the question of creation, both seem to have reached their limits. Only when science is willing to break free from the barriers of material empiricism and begin to address metaphysical and spiritual issues we’ll be able to unveil the true veil of the universe.

The truth is that it is not feasible for scientists alone to break through the barriers of material empiricism. The only way forward is to raise the global collective consciousness – this is precisely the reason why I established the “Fundamental Theory of Metasophy” and am actively preparing the lecture series on The Law of Nature.

Raising collective consciousness means that cross-dimensional thinking methods can naturally integrate and become part of humanity’s “Collective Unconscious”, which I refer to as “Perception Agreements”. I will further elaborate on this in future articles.

I hope that more people, especially Starseeds and Lightworkers, will participate and lead the way. The elevation of the global collective consciousness is within sight!

Next: Reality, Truth, and Paradox


Love and Light

MiLOVE, a humble messenger of the Infinite Creator