In this chapter, I will share with you some basic concepts of the “Matrix and Information Cocoon“. The “Matrix” is a complex and profound topic that requires several chapters to explain clearly. Today, I will give an overview of them so that everyone can understand the construction, ideas, and content of the “Nature of Metasophy“. More detailed content will be shared in the relevant chapters.

Why do humans know almost nothing about the universe, Earth, extraterrestrial civilizations, and even the true history of humanity? The “Matrix” and “Information Cocoon” are the main “culprits”. In this chapter, I will focus on sharing with you why, no matter who you are, we humans—almost without exception—are inevitably affected by the “Matrix” and “Information Cocoon“. These intertwined, cascading effects will leave you astonished.

What is the Matrix?

The “Matrix” is a mathematical term that refers to a mathematical structure composed of a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and columns. It is widely used in various fields of mathematics and science, such as linear algebra, physics, engineering, and computer science.

Matrices are extensively applied in mathematics and physics, for example, in areas such as linear algebra, statistics, and transformations in physics. Operations on matrices include addition, multiplication, and transposition, and they have significant applications in fields such as mathematics, environmental or earth system sciences, and engineering. The matrix can even be applied to science fiction or supernatural concepts, computer science, and even religion or philosophy.

Friends who are interested in mathematical matrices or viewers who are unfamiliar with it, please see more about “Basic Types of Matrices”, “Levels of Matrices”, and “Description of Applications of Matrices in Different Fields” at the bottom of this article. You can also look for similar explanations online. Therefore, I don’t want to spend too much time explaining it. I just want to focus on sharing the parts that are not available online.

Why Discuss the Matrix?

Many people have seen or heard of the movie The Matrix, the film depicts people imprisoned in a virtual world, completely unaware of the real world. Through action and visual effects, the movie aims to convey complex views on the relationship between technology and humanity, as well as profound philosophical reflections on reality, virtual reality, freedom, control, and human existence. This is precisely why I am discussing the matrix.

The matrix we are familiar with is a mathematical structure where a series of numbers arranged in rows and columns are set or provided by the user. However, the matrix I am discussing has existed long before, at least partially synchronized with the universe’s formation. The matrix contains all numbers in rows and columns, including its vibration spectrum, physical constants, mathematical constants, and variables.

Are these the creations of “nature” or the invisible hand of God? – This is the focus of my lecture on “Natural Laws”.

Classification of Matrices

To clarify the concept of matrices, I will divide them into: “Natural Matrix,” “Artificial Matrix”, “Biological Matrix”, and “Mental Matrix”.

  • Natural Matrix: Refers mainly to the “Spatial Matrix,” such as stars, planets, countries…families, etc.
  • Artificial Matrix: Refers mainly to the “Cultural Matrix,” such as language, information, faith, customs, etc.
  • Biological Matrix: Refers to the human body’s complex system.
  • Mental Matrix: Refers to consciousness or the complex system of the mind/spirit.

From the universe’s grand unity to the smallest family unit, the “Spatial Matrix” encompasses the universe and Earth; the “Information Matrix” includes the influences of society, culture, religion, politics, and technology on thought and consciousness; the “Biological Matrix” refers to the biological DNA as described by genetics; and the “Mental Matrix” refers to the complex of the mind and spirit. The “Biological Matrix” and “Mental Matrix” are extremely complex topics, which I will discuss in detail in Chapter Five, “Life Forms. Below is a general overview:

Spatial Matrix

The Spatial Matrix can be divided into large, medium, and small matrices. You can think of the universe as a grand unified matrix. Each Density, cosmic element, and cosmic Dimension is a submatrix or sub-submatrix within this grand matrix… and so on.

The grand cosmic matrix includes observable and unobservable spacetime matrices, as well as matrices of stars and planets. Planets with life contain Spatial Matrices, such as countries, states/provinces, counties, cities, districts, towns, villages, and families… forming large, medium, and small matrices. Larger matrices encompass smaller ones, each encasing another, layer upon layer, akin to a Matryoshka Doll.

Our shared Earth is not the only civilization in this universe, nor is it the only matrix. Countless forms of life and civilizations exist in this vast universe. Earth and humanity are a part of the star systems and their associated cultures. Each culture and planet may have its matrix. All these cultures and planets are contained within a larger super-matrix, which includes both material and spiritual realms.

The spiritual realm is another vast topic. I plan to discuss it further in related chapters later. For now, this is a brief overview.

Planetary Matrix

The universe is an infinitely large unity that encompasses both time/space and space/time. Time/space refers to pure energy space, also known as the spiritual realm or “Ether”, an invisible or metaphysical space. Space/time refers to physical space, an observable space. For evolutionary purposes, these spaces are designed to have different densities, cosmic elements, and dimensional spaces.

Each galaxy, such as the Milky Way, is a grand matrix; each planetary system, such as the Solar System, is a large matrix containing eight planets, including Earth. Each planet, like Earth, is effectively a planetary matrix. It consists of a specific set of vibrational spectra, physical and mathematical constants, and variables, with unique characteristics, laws, and attributes.

Any matter and life within a matrix (including their sensory systems) resonate with the vibrational frequency of that matrix (which is why our sensory systems have difficulty perceiving beings from different densities, such as spirits or extraterrestrials).

Interstellar shuttles whether through a “natural portal” or an “artificial portal“, must increase or decrease the frequency and achieve consistency with the destination frequency.

Earth Matrix

If the earth is a large matrix, how is it divided? The author believes that the earth’s matrix is ​​composed of two artificial matrices: One is the Van Allen belt and Schumann resonance; the other is the moon.

Van Allen Belts

We can understand the Earth Matrix as the space within the Van Allen Belts (including the Earth itself). The Van Allen radiation belts are a band-like structure surrounding the Earth, mainly divided into two layers:

  • Inner Radiation Belt: Located about 1,000 to 12,000 kilometers from the Earth’s surface, primarily composed of high-energy protons.
  • Outer Radiation Belt: Located about 13,500 to 58,000 kilometers from the Earth’s surface, primarily composed of high-energy electrons.

These radiation belts form a “doughnut” shaped region surrounding the Earth. The Earth is situated in the central region of these radiation belts.

Schumann Resonance

There is also another protective shield on the Earth’s surface: Schumann Resonance. Schumann Resonance is an electromagnetic resonance phenomenon occurring in the cavity formed between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. This phenomenon requires two basic conditions:

  • Ionosphere: A highly conductive layer, similar to Earth’s ionosphere.
  • Atmosphere: A medium capable of conducting electromagnetic waves, similar to Earth’s atmosphere.

The height of the ionosphere varies with time, geographic location, and solar activity. Generally, the ionosphere starts about 50 kilometers (31 miles) above the Earth’s surface and extends up to about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles). The ionosphere is divided into several main layers, each with different height ranges:

  • D Layer: Located approximately between 50 and 90 kilometers (31 to 56 miles).
  • E Layer: Located approximately between 90 and 150 kilometers (56 to 93 miles).
  • F Layer: Located approximately 150 and 1,000 kilometers (93 to 620 miles), further subdivided into F1 and F2 layers.

Note: The ionosphere’s layer naming starts with the D layer, without layers A, B, or C.

Electromagnetic waves resonate within this range, forming Schumann Resonance. Therefore, Schumann’s Resonance involves the resonance cavity between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.

The Van Allen radiation belts are not a phenomenon present on all planets, and Schumann Resonance could theoretically occur on other planets with similar conditions, though the specific form and frequency may differ.

Do readers recall that I shared descriptions of the “Van Allen Radiation Belts” and “Schumann Resonance” in my article Truth, Reality, and Paradox? We believe that the impact of solar wind and cosmic radiation on humans is much less compared to the matrix that controls the Earth’s vibrational frequency. The role of the Van Allen Belts extends far beyond what our Earth scientists understand.

The truth is that the primary function of the Van Allen Belts is to control the Earth’s vibrational frequency matrix; the primary function of Schumann Resonance is to reflect the vibrational frequency of the collective consciousness or collective unconscious on Earth – the author will leave it to the related topics to share more details.

The Artificial Moon

The moon is not a naturally formed satellite of the earth, but an artificial mothership, a huge wreckage of a large spacecraft the size of a planet. The moon was destroyed during the Tiamat Wars approximately 12,500 years ago.

Initially, the Moon was used to balance the Earth’s tilt on its axis and pole shift due to the devastation caused by 40 days and nights of torrential rain. Since this part of the content goes beyond the topic, the author will share it further in relevant chapters.

Today, the moon also functions as the Van Allen belt, transforming into a frequency that maintains the earth’s magnetosphere, thereby controlling and maintaining the earth’s 3D matrix to operate within a controllable range.

Cultural Matrix

The matrix not only includes spatial dimensions but also encompasses culture. Culture is related to the level of civilization. The level of civilization and Density or vibrational frequency are equivalent.

Each planet’s civilization includes ethnicity, language, beliefs, customs, technology, and politics, forming its unique culture. In the context of meta-theory, the matrix is used to represent that the consciousness of all intelligent life is influenced not only by their spatial matrix but also by other star cultures and spiritual realms, including but not limited to influences from language, culture, beliefs, customs, technology, and politics, which gradually shape their values. Specifically, this is referred to as “matrix values.”

For example, humans, in their natural state, form social, cultural, religious, political, and technological matrices that resonate with the Earth’s vibrational frequency. All information circulating within that matrix is understood as the “Information Cocoon.” You can simply view these as unique “worldviews,” “philosophies of life,” and “value systems” within that matrix.

All “inventions” and constructs within these matrices are primarily used for learning and experiencing within the matrix. In reality, what we consider inventions, practical knowledge, and cutting-edge science continually reoccur on this planet and other planets with similar densities. Thus, the majority of things, including scientific knowledge, may not necessarily apply to other matrices.

I do not intend to diminish the contributions of scientists to human society, but merely to state the truth – this is precisely the true meaning of Laozi’s concept of “Wu Wei” (non-action)!

Technological advancement is a natural process of third-Density evolution. However, the theme of third-Density evolution is not technology, but the individual’s journey through “social interactions” and experiences to learn “love & understanding”, thereby discovering their “life’s purpose and meaning,” and choosing and practicing their path. Without understanding this, planetary collective consciousness cannot advance, and individuals cannot graduate from third Density. This is another important topic that I will address in related discussions. For now, this is a brief overview.

Information Matrix

The Information Matrix, also understood as the Information or Data Matrix, is a tool for representing and processing relationships within information. As the name suggests, an Information Matrix is used to display and analyze various relationships and patterns within data. The structure of the matrix makes it very useful in fields such as data analysis, machine learning, and network analysis. Its primary focus is on the organization and processing of information, rather than the dissemination and impact of messages.

Related to the Information Matrix are concepts such as the Information Cocoon and the Echo Chamber. These concepts are associated with information dissemination and processing. Although they have different focuses and applications, they are interconnected. Here are explanations of these concepts and their relationships:

Information Cocoon

An Information Cocoon (or Information Bubble) refers to the phenomenon where people are exposed to information and viewpoints on the internet and social media that align with their beliefs and opinions, forming a “cocoon” of information. This phenomenon makes it difficult for individuals to encounter differing perspectives, increases cognitive bias, and may contribute to societal polarization. The Information Cocoon focuses on the selective nature of information acquisition and the resulting narrowness of perspective.

Echo Chamber

The Echo Chamber effect refers to the situation where information is repeatedly circulated and amplified within a closed system, leading to greater homogeneity and polarization of views among its members. Within this system, members continuously reinforce each other’s viewpoints while excluding external, differing voices. The Echo Chamber emphasizes the effects of repetition and amplification of information and the tendency toward homogeneity within the group.

Generally speaking, “information cocoons” and “echo chamber effects” may be formed internally actively or unconsciously; they may also be passive, involuntary, or subject to external intervention.

For those who are interested in learning more about “Matrix Information Dissemination Channels”, please refer to it at the bottom of this article. I don’t want to spend too much time explaining them either. The author just wants to focus on sharing their different metaphysical concepts and their impact on entities living in the matrix, including humans.

The above descriptions can also be easily found online. Therefore, I do not want to spend too much time explaining them. I would like to focus on sharing their different perspectives on meta-theory and their impact on entities living within the matrix, including humans.

Everything is Related to Vibration Frequencies Alignment

In Metasophy, the information matrix is understood as all the information within the matrix being aligned, matched, and symmetrically related to the matrix’s vibration spectrum. In people’s lives, within the information matrix, information cocoons and echo chambers naturally and inevitably emerge.

In modern society, the main channels for information dissemination can be understood as the information cocoons and echo chambers within the information matrix. Most people affected by the information matrix tend to align with the matrix’s values – this is the power of matrix information!

The firewall on the Internet is a clear sub-matrix within the cultural matrix. Everything is related to vibration frequencies and consciousness alignment.

To change or escape information cocoons and echo chambers, we must first understand what the “biological matrix” and “spiritual matrix” are. They are closely related to “matrix thinking, matrix consciousness, and matrix values”.

Biological Matrix

A person is composed of the “Mind Complex”, “Body Complex”, and “Spirit Complex”. The “Body Complex” is the biological matrix of our soul. The soul is composed of the “Mind Complex” and the “Spirit Complex”. In other words, when the soul departs from a person’s “Body Complex”, that person’s life ends. The True Self, the soul endures forever.

You can understand the universe itself as a super-large matrix; other elements such as Density, space-time, nations, and even companies and families can be understood as various-sized regional or environmental matrices; a person’s Biological Body can be understood as the biological matrix – a biological vehicle carrying the soul.

We usually think of a matrix as a specific environment adapted to a certain form of life. If you can view the soul as a form of life, then the physical complex is indeed the biological environment for the soul!

Mental Matrix

Our soul is composed of the “Mind Complex” and the “Spirit Complex.” My spiritual guide describes the relationship between the soul and consciousness as follows: “The soul is like a house; consciousness is the front door of this house; chakras are the pathways to various rooms and functional areas; consciousness can be opened or closed, and when consciousness is closed, your subconscious is inside the house.”

The mental matrix is formed by the overlap of various matrices, such as the regional matrix, information matrix, and biological matrix. We refer to this as the “Veil,” which acts as a barrier between the conscious and subconscious mind, creating a powerful illusion and sense of separation. This makes it difficult for us to discern our true selves, leading us to believe that our physical body is our entire being. Our conscious mind’s door is frequently closed by our subconscious. Therefore, our soul is also unable to understand the True Self.

Human beings, including our scientists, are all to varying degrees limited by the mental matrix. Our five senses cannot perceive beyond the third Dimension. Our cognitive abilities cannot extend to higher-dimensional matrices. Our consciousness and brain, much like a computer’s RAM and CPU, lack the capacity and processing power to handle more complex data structures and information.

What is the Veil?

The “Veil,” also known as the “Veil of Forgetfulness,” is synonymous with terms like “spiritual amnesia,” “spiritual seal,” and “closed-book exam.” The Veil is a designed evolutionary threshold or test specifically for all third-Density beings.

Our shared Earth is currently in the third Density and is transitioning to the fourth Density (the Fifth Metaverse). This will be discussed in more detail in Chapter Four, “Infinite Universe.”

All intelligent life forms reincarnated or reborn into third-Density existence, such as humans, automatically forget their past lives and accumulated experiences, akin to having “spiritual amnesia”. Additionally, the Veil acts as a barrier between the conscious and subconscious mind, creating a strong illusion and sense of separation. This makes it difficult to discern the True Self, leading to the belief that the physical body is the entirety of One’s being, creating a cognitive barrier and illusion. Consequently, we unconsciously develop a sense of separation from the universe, the world, and everything, and begin to create an ego-centered physical world illusion.

Although all are in third Density, the degree of forgetfulness or the thickness of the Veil varies across different planets. The degree of forgetfulness or the thickness of the Veil is influenced by various factors, including those described in the various matrices and Van Allen belts. Is this a natural phenomenon or intentional? This is a very profound and interesting question! I will address this in related chapters. For now, this is a brief overview. Everything is consciousness, everything is related to consciousness!

These descriptions above are only an overview of the “Matrix” and “Veil”. More in-depth content will be shared further in later chapters. This is omitted.

Escaping the Matrix

The existence of the “Veil” is closely related to the “Mental Matrix” formed by our “Regional Matrix” and “Biological Matrix.” In simple terms, the sum of these matrix spectra constructs a specific vibrational frequency, akin to a mental matrix. To unveil the “Veil” or escape this matrix, according to the “Prime Frequency Principle,” you must adjust your consciousness to a vibrational frequency higher than the dominant frequency. This is another major topic in the spiritual realm, which will be discussed in later chapters. For now, this is a brief overview.

Matrix Values

Do not easily believe everything you read, hear, or see, as these can be manipulated. This is because we live in a matrix of overlapping “Natural Matrix”, “Artificial Matrix”, “Biological Matrix”, and “Mental Matrix”. It is as if a mysterious veil is placed between our conscious and subconscious minds, making it difficult for most of us to discern what is real or exists outside the matrix, let alone grasp the true nature of the universe or its ultimate truth.

Living in this reality, which is separated from other matrices, each of us naturally develops our unique values, worldview, and life philosophy – what we call “Matrix Values” or “Distorted Values”.

Matrix Values are far removed from true Universal Values, making it difficult for us to discern the true nature of the universe. It is time to re-examine our values and understand ourselves anew!

Next Lecture: Matrix Values

Love and Light,

MiLOVE, a humble messenger of the Infinite Creator.


Basic Types of Matrices

  1. Square Matrix: A matrix where the number of rows equals the number of columns, such as a 2×22 \ 22×2 matrix, 3×33 \ 33×3 matrix, etc.
  2. Zero Matrix: A matrix where all elements are zero.
  3. Diagonal Matrix: A matrix where only the elements on the main diagonal are non-zero, and all other elements are zero.
  4. Identity Matrix: A square matrix where all diagonal elements are 1 and all other elements are zero, usually denoted as III.
  5. Symmetric Matrix: A matrix that is equal to its transpose, i.e., A=ATA = A^TA=AT.
  6. Transpose Matrix: A matrix obtained by swapping the rows and columns of the original matrix, denoted as ATA^TAT.

Matrix Hierarchies

  1. Two-Dimensional Matrix: The most basic form of a matrix, such as an m×nm \ nm×n matrix.
  2. Three-Dimensional and Higher-Dimensional Matrices (Tensors): Matrices extended to higher dimensions, used to represent more complex data structures. For example, a three-dimensional matrix can represent video data (time, width, height), and higher-dimensional tensors can represent various complex data relationships, including those in consciousness and mental domains, which will be discussed later.

Applications of Matrices in Different Fields

  1. Linear Algebra: Solving systems of linear equations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.
  2. Computer Graphics: Transforming and manipulating graphical objects, such as rotation, scaling, and translation.
  3. Data Analysis: Processing and analyzing multi-dimensional data, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
  4. Machine Learning: Representing and manipulating neural network weight matrices, training, and optimizing models.

In summary, matrices are a powerful mathematical tool with a wide range of applications. Understanding matrices and their operations can solve many complex practical problems.

Channels of Matrix Information Dissemination

In modern society, the channels for disseminating matrix information are highly diverse, primarily including the following:

Internet and Social Media

  • Websites and Blogs: Individuals and businesses can share information through websites and blogs.
  • Social Media Platforms: Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, WeChat, Weibo, etc. allow users to share and access information in real-time.
  • Video Platforms: Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, iQiyi, Tencent Video, Youku, etc. enable users to disseminate information through video content.


Email remains a primary tool for both formal and informal communication among businesses and individuals.

News Media

  • Online News: News websites and apps such as CNN, BBC, and The New York Times provide the latest news and analysis.
  • Television and Radio: TV news and radio stations are still major sources of information for many people.

Mobile Applications

Many specialized apps (such as news apps and instant messaging apps) make information dissemination faster and more convenient.

Print Media

  • Newspapers and Magazines: Although readership has declined, print media still holds influence among specific audiences.
  • Books: Books continue to be a primary source for in-depth information and knowledge.

Offline Channels

  • Conferences and Seminars: Professional conferences and seminars are important for spreading professional knowledge and industry information.
  • Schools and Universities: Educational institutions disseminate information through classroom teaching and academic research.


  • Online Advertising: Platforms like Google Ads and social media ads target specific audiences with significant effectiveness.
  • Offline Advertising: Includes TV commercials, print ads, and outdoor advertising, which cover a broad audience.

Each of these channels has its advantages and characteristics. Depending on the target audience and the nature of the content, the most suitable channel can be chosen for information dissemination.