Your soul is the hub and each life you’re living is a spoke.

The lives retrack back to the hub when you die –

When that piece of you is reabsorbed

and it extends down the spoke as you are born and live your life.

And the wheel is rolling in the mud creating a track.

That track is your perception of time…


What is the purpose of living? What does it really mean? Throughout the ages, countless philosophers, thinkers, poets, and literati have been flocking to this topic, and it has lasted for a long time.

Although I have seen and read many movies, poems, and novels that touched my heartstrings. If the famous sentence that can make the author blurt out, it may be “Liberty and love -These two I must have. For my love I’ll sacrifice My life. For liberty I’ll sacrifice My love.” Actually, I don’t remember the poet’s name. After consulting, the author learned that this poem was written by the Hungarian poet Petofi Sandor.

Liberty and Love

The poet Petofi was born on January 1, 1823, in a small Hungarian city on the banks of the Danube under the rule of the Austrian Empire and on the Avod Plain. His father was a poor Slavic butcher, and his mother was a Magyar serf. His family is at the bottom of society. On July 31, 1849, the poet Petofi died in a bloody battle with the Tsarist Russian army in Fort Sekers at the age of 26. Although Petofi is young, the poems he wrote during his life are still widely read all over the world for more than a hundred years. It’s not because of how beautiful its poems are, but because of its simplicity, which directly hits the key points of the meaning of life. The keywords are: “Life, Love, Freedom” – is what people spend their whole life pursuing! For freedom, warriors are willing to exchange life and love – the two most precious things in the world. The price of freedom is so high that only those who understand the meaning of “freedom” can’t help but resonate strongly.

Liberty and equality are given by God. However, on a third-Density planet, freedom must be earned. There are many ways to fight for freedom. Most of us instinctively choose to fight against slavery and power through bloodshed and vigorous fighting; as everyone knows, we have other better options, for example, becoming rainbow warriors. Rainbow Warrior’s fight is not by force, but by the power of “spiritual consciousness“. Colorful energy is our weapon. The enemy is not others, but ourselves.

If we could all become Rainbow Warriors, perhaps we wouldn’t sacrifice so many precious lives. Maybe our planet would have already become Alpha Earth. However, let’s return to reality. In our world, as much as people desire freedom, there is an equal desire for control. As much as they pursue love, there is an equal amount of fear. As many people have a deep love for life, there are just as many lives that wither away. This is the mystery created by polarity and the enigma of the veil! If you haven’t read my previous articles on “Polarity – Amazing Creation!”, “The Truth about Angels and Demons,” and the “Veil of Forgetting“, and the “Spiritual Amnesia,” I encourage you to click and learn more. Perhaps you will gain a better understanding of this world and even the universe.

Now, I will share with you the “true meaning of being alive,” its connection to the Rainbow Warriors, and why we should strive to become Rainbow Warriors. The death of Socrates provides important insights into the “true meaning of being alive.” The following content is gathered from the internet and historical books, and I have discussed it in detail with my lawyer friends, offering my own perspective:

A Revelation from the Death of Socrates?

It is well known that Socrates (469 BC – 399 BC) was a famous philosopher, thinker, educator, and juror in ancient Greece. Socrates, along with his student Plato and Plato’s student Aristotle, are widely regarded as the “Three Sages of Ancient Greece” and the founders of Western philosophy. However, why was Socrates sentenced to death in Athens, a city-state known for its democracy? What does it signify?

In 399 BC, at the age of 70, Socrates was accused and found guilty. Ultimately, the Athenian court charged Socrates with two major crimes: 1) impiety towards The Gods (disrespecting the temple and not recognizing the city’s gods) and 2) corrupting the youth of Athens (introducing new gods through his interactions with young people).

He was ultimately sentenced to death. While Socrates had the option to choose exile from Athens, he chose to drink poison as commanded.

At that time, Athens did not have an appeals mechanism, and the judgment made by the 500-member council was final. The council served not only as a judicial body but also as a legislative body, acting on behalf of all citizens. Its decisions represented the so-called “public opinion” of Athens.

During his trial, Socrates defended himself by stating that he had spent his life engaging in philosophy and pursuing knowledge, virtue, and the perfection of the soul. His defense was not meant to avoid punishment but to prevent the “court” from making a wrongful judgment that would harm the judges themselves, the city-state of Athens, and the integrity of its laws. Socrates said, “Judges are not sitting there to distribute justice as an act of kindness but to determine where justice lies. You swore an oath not to decide based on personal preferences but to make just judgments according to the law.”

After his defense, the 500-member council conducted a vote, and Socrates was found guilty with a majority of 281 votes against 220. Socrates could have chosen to pay a fine or be exiled from Athens as an alternative to the death penalty. However, he did not do so. He continued his defense, stating, “I have never lived the life of an ordinary person. I do not care about what most people care about making money, having a comfortable home, holding high positions in the military or government, or participating in various other activities… How should you treat someone who, being poor, has become a benefactor to the public, spending his time admonishing you in matters of morality? The only appropriate way is for the state to support him financially; there is no better way…”

After Socrates finished his speech, the 500-member council voted again on the issue of sentencing, and the result was that Socrates was sentenced to death.

The Nature of Unlimited Authority

The question is, why was Socrates sentenced to death in Athens, which was considered the epitome of democracy? Did the democratic foundation itself go wrong (for example, flaws in the selection system)? Was it the inadequacy of the law’s constraints? Or was it a problem of generally low collective consciousness?

According to my lawyer friend, based on modern legal concepts, the following points can be made:

  1. The government was only nominally democratic (at that time, Sparta defeated Athens and modified its democratic laws, transforming it into an oligarchy controlled by Sparta).
  2. The ruling power appointed a committee of 500 members (questionable political affiliations).
  3. The law never explicitly stated that “offense” could be punished by death (with fewer individuals expressing a neutral stance in the vote).
  4. The case was more a violation of morality than a crime (for example, all Athenians were expected to respect The Gods of the national temple*).
  5. This was a political trial, rather than a religious One.
  6. According to modern legal concepts, jurors cannot make sentencing decisions.
  7. Socrates chose death as a means to reject the trial.
  8. The similarities between the centralized rule that still exists today and the Athenian city-state of 399 BC—do they ring a bell?

According to Tocqueville*, Socrates’ death demonstrated an unlimited authority unrestrained by law, which he regarded as an inherently “bad and dangerous thing.” Only God’s wisdom and justice can possess unlimited authority without causing harm. No authority in this world is qualified to exercise unlimited power. Whether in the name of a king or the people, a democratic government or an aristocratic government, if it exercises unlimited authority, it sows the seeds of tyranny.

In particular, when unlimited authority is imposed on a minority in the name of the people or the general will, it is almost impossible for the minority to resist. Faced with the absolute will of the entire population, the minority can only submit. The Athenian city-state sentenced Socrates to death in the name of the majority. Athens’ democracy taught future generations that unchecked democracy is tantamount to the tyranny of the majority.

Socrates’ death tells us that even in majority rule, even in the rule of public opinion, it is necessary to accept the constraints of the law. We should govern according to the law, not according to individual will. We should accept the judgment of the law, not the judgment of personal will. Lying quietly beside the will of the people are the solemn law and tradition. As Lord Acton* reflected on Socrates’ death, “The rule of the entire population, the rule of the largest and most powerful class, has an evil nature similar to pure monarchy. Therefore, for similar reasons, it requires self-restraining safeguards and permanent rule of law to prevent the tyranny of public opinion.”

Note: The names in asterisks (*) are references to historical figures and philosophers.

I Know that I Know Nothing

In my opinion, the death of Socrates was not simply a result of a mistake in the foundation of democracy (such as flaws in the selection system) or inadequate constraints of the law. I believe that humanity needed to go through such an experience in order to have the opportunity to awaken, and Socrates’ soul chose to awaken the world in this particular way. I understand Socrates’ famous saying, “I know that I know nothing,” as a reminder to humanity that we are ignorant about ourselves, the world, and even the universe, apart from being humble.

After researching extensively, I tried to find the circumstances under which Socrates uttered the following two classic statements:

“To know One’s ignorance is the greatest wisdom.”

“I know that I know nothing.”

It is said that Socrates’ friend Chaerephon went to the Delphic Oracle to ask who was the wisest person, and the Pythia answered that there was none wiser than Socrates. This greatly confused Socrates because he believed that he possessed no wisdom. He then visited many renowned politicians, poets, and craftsmen, hoping to find someone wiser than himself. However, the result was disappointing as these individuals were “ignorant of themselves.” Socrates understood that the reason God proclaimed him the wisest was that he alone “knew his own ignorance.” From this, it can be further inferred that true wisdom can only be possessed by The Gods, while humans can, at best, aspire to love wisdom.

Socrates’ words were not just an expression of humility. His expertise lay not in the amount of knowledge he possessed but in his ability to guide others toward acquiring knowledge. He was skilled at asking questions that made people realize their own ignorance and then embark on the path of true knowledge, which begins with acknowledging One’s own ignorance. He made those who were a self-assured blush.

Humanity’s ignorance has led to countless cases similar to the death of Socrates. It is widely known that the death of Jesus Christ was due to religious persecution, while the death of Socrates, under the guise of politics, resembled religious persecution in practice. The former was Jesus Christ, who claimed to “know everything,” and his death was immensely tragic. The latter was Socrates, who claimed to “know nothing,” and his death was remarkably graceful. Anyone who goes against the notion of “authority” cannot escape the consequence of being condemned by the “authority,” regardless of the circumstances!

Whether it is the death of Jesus Christ or Socrates, it may seem that the legal system is flawed on the surface, but if we trace the root cause, it is due to the generally low collective consciousness of people. In my opinion, no matter how perfect a legal system may be, as long as there are loopholes, they will be exploited. Flies will never let a cracked egg go unnoticed. “Unlimited authority” is not only a nightmare of ancient human societies but also a stumbling block for modern civilization. Even if the legal system is strict, if “authority” is not restricted and becomes “unlimited authority,” then the “death of Socrates” will continue to manifest in different ways. Good and evil are perpetually in opposition, with evil often suppressing good. Unless “good” can become more powerful.

In reality, phenomena such as political and religious persecution and the death of Socrates still exist in some countries, even in the twenty-first century, more than two thousand years later. However, we also witness the emergence of fighters who have the courage and willingness to sacrifice for freedom.

In my eyes, Socrates is not only a self-proclaimed “midwife of the soul” and a servant of The Gods; he is also a great prophet and an unwavering rainbow warrior. I hope to see more individuals like Socrates, who possess wisdom and insight, emerge to fight against the “good” of true knowledge and the “evil” of ignorance. If given the opportunity, I would certainly visit this revered sage in an “Interview” program, paying my respects and admiration.

I hold infinite respect for the freedom fighter and Hungarian poet Petőfi Sándor, who proclaimed, “For the sake of freedom, both can be sacrificed.” However, relatively speaking, I admire Socrates’ statement “I know that I know nothing” even more. Recognizing One’s own ignorance is the greatest wisdom in the universe! If all of us can truly comprehend this, there would be no need for people to sacrifice their lives and shed blood for freedom. Instead, we would become rainbow warriors. We would live happily on Earth Alpha.

Dear readers, what does the death sentence of Socrates inspire in you?

Eternal Divinity and Demon: “The Peck Order and the Self Consciousness”

The Duality of demonic and divine nature exists within the consciousness of humanity. No matter how tightly our systems, including legal frameworks, are constructed, given the opportunity, the demonic nature expands. The demonic nature of humanity progresses from the second Density of “self-consciousness” – the “peck order” – into the third Density, evolving into possessiveness. When an individual possesses wealth and/or status in society, possessiveness transforms into a desire for control. The evolution from possessiveness to control is a manifestation of the “peck order” consciousness. By following the same line of thought, it is not difficult to observe that throughout history, from ancient monarchs and rulers to modern societies dominated by elites and authorities, they are all continuations of the “peck order.” The only difference lies in the upgraded versions of hierarchical systems that have emerged with the advancement of human intelligence and technology. Despite the development of society and science, the desire for possession and control among the privileged and so-called elite classes has not diminished; if anything, it has increased. The only distinction is that their methods have become more sophisticated with time. For readers who have not yet read my article “Angels and Demons“, please click here to learn more…>

Looking at Earth from a perspective beyond the three-dimensional view, all of us are part of a collective consciousness, a unified group. It is not defined by race or nationality. Within the “veil of forgetting,” individuals are distinguished only by their vibrational frequency and the color of their chakras, not by the color of their skin.

The Nature of Demons from God’s Perspective

From a metaphysical perspective, the essence of the world is a binary reality where divine and demonic nature coexists eternally. This is the secret behind the design of the third-Density, aiming to allow humanity to awaken and achieve enlightenment through the process of resistance and counter-control from oppression. Therefore, the pursuit of freedom will continue until the end of the third Density. Those who have not graduated (as repeaters) will be transferred to another third-Density planet until they graduate. This is the truth behind life. Learn more…>

The viewpoints of Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) and Lord Acton (1834-1902) hit the Achilles’ heel of the collective consciousness of humanity, which is the danger of disregarding unlimited authority unrestrained by laws. This ignorance has persisted. The death of Socrates did not change this laissez-faire state of humanity; phenomena such as the “death of Socrates” still prevail in various societies, particularly in authoritarian states. If Western countries take pride in their existing legal achievements and look down upon the backwardness of Eastern societies, it is merely a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

The demonic nature of “unlimited authority” exists not only in relatively authoritarian societies but also universally in the consciousness of every individual, including Western societies. It originates from the second Density’s “pecking order” concept and extends into the hierarchical system of the third Density.

The concept of hierarchy is an objective fact rooted in the nature of group animals. It is more prominent in lower animals, with pecking order being a prime example. This concept has persisted from the realm of lower animals to human society and has evolved alongside human evolution. From ancient monarchs and rulers to modern societies dominated by elites and authorities, the hierarchical concept has not truly changed; it has only been refined in the rules of the game of competition. For example, the authority has shifted from hereditary means to competition or contention, creating a hierarchical structure from top to bottom, forming the modern “pecking order.” The emergence of modern capitalists and privileged capitalists is a testament to this paradigm.

As a result, various forms of competition naturally arise in all walks of life. These competitions include, but are not limited to, political contests, business competitions, sports competitions, and even in entertainment shows, and so on. For readers who have not yet read my article “Angels and Demons” regarding the sections “From Pecking Order to the Desire for Possession and Control” and “Pecking Order Forming the Hierarchy Concept,” please click here to learn more…>

The demonic nature exists within each One of us, hidden in the root of our consciousness, the “self” consciousness. The true enemy and demon are not others but us! Everything that happens in any society is a result of collective karma – our individual consciousness converging into the collective consciousness and manifested through the mechanism of karmic balance for people to experience and learn. The test or examination of One’s karma is conducted in a closed-book form, behind the veil of forgetting. You can understand all the painful experiences as catalysts. When One catalyst fails to produce the expected effect, another catalyst emerges… For readers who have not yet read my articles “Soul Contract” and the “Law of Karma” and “Spiritual Amnesia“, it is worth exploring more…

In my eyes, the process of understanding the “truth behind life” through experiencing the details of everyday life is where the meaning of life lies!”

The Origin of the Rainbow Warrior

The title “Rainbow Warrior” originated from the Mayan prophecy and the interpretation of the Hobie Stone prophecy. The story goes as follows: “When the Earth is being destroyed, animals are dying, a new tribe will emerge on this planet. They come from many different colors, classes, and beliefs. Through various actions, they will rejuvenate the Earth and become the Rainbow Warriors. These spiritually awakened individuals shoulder the responsibility of educating others. Despite an inevitable great disaster, these people are filled with spirituality and hope that their efforts will minimize the consequences. Even if they cannot change what has already happened, they can at least alleviate the aftermath.”

The term “Rainbow Warrior” actually refers to cosmic wanderers, star seeds, indigo children, and lightworkers. Years ago, I also received the same calling, which essentially conveyed the message: “Rainbow Warriors from all nations, cultures, regions, and countries, venture into different parts of the world, radiate your light, and spread the idea of harmonious coexistence between humanity and all other beings on Earth.”

The battle of the Rainbow Warrior is not fought with force but with the power of consciousness. The seven-colored energy of the universe and our own chakras are our weapons. The enemy is not someone else; it is ourselves. Dark forces always exist. These forces are immensely powerful and extraordinarily stubborn, and direct confrontation is not the optimal choice. The so-called dark forces are the manifestation of our collective consciousness influenced by our own dark tendencies. Only by raising our consciousness, embracing and forgiving others, and influencing and elevating each other’s consciousness, can we bring about change and achieve integration. This is the primary concept of the upcoming fifth cosmic element.

The highest wisdom lies within the ordinary: love, gratitude, forgiveness, respect, tolerance, and sharing. It is both simple and effective. Wisdom is already encoded in the spiritual DNA of every individual. Many great mentors have consistently said, “Seek your heart, and you will find your path and way.”

Though truth is priceless and free, it is also the most difficult to attain. If we do not seek, if we do not explore, if we remain ignorant, the price we pay for freedom will be blood, love, and life. Is this the only meaning of living?

Natural and Man-made Disasters, Doomsday, Savior?

If readers have been paying attention, the topics of Earth’s doomsday and the arrival of a savior have been frequently mentioned in recent years and are among the most repeated themes.

From Buddhist teachings to the Book of Revelation in the Bible, from ancient Eastern legends to Mayan prophecies, Hobie tribe stone prophecies, and the “Law of One,” from ancient prophets to modern-day seers, they all coincidentally point out that the old civilization is about to end and a new civilization is about to be born. I believe even more that the third experiential cycle of Earth has already concluded, and our shared Earth is in the midst of its Density Transition, heralding the birth of the fifth metaverse. Learn more…>

Readers, if you think all of this is nonsense, you will surely miss out on the great epoch that Earth experiences only once every 25,000 years. This significant era is about to come. I refer to it as the Alpha Earth of the fourth Density (the fifth Metaverse).

Contrary to rumors, the savior or Maitreya Buddha will not descend to Earth in the way people expect, and the salvation of humanity will not solely rely on a single Eastern sage. If you haven’t read my article “Maitreya Buddha and/or the Messiah to Redeem the World?” yet, I encourage you to click the link to learn more…>

Purpose of Life vs Meaning of Life

The author believes that life’s purposes vary for each individual. As we progress through different stages of life, our goals may also change. It is in the process of achieving these life purposes that you may discover the meaning of life. The meaning of life can be self-enlightening through the journey of fulfilling our life purposes.

The premise of seeking the meaning of life is to recognize oneself, understand oneself, and embark on the process of self-realization. So, what is the self? It depends on how you define “self” – is it the self in the realm of relative reality or the self in the realm of ultimate truth?

Reality vs Truth

The author believes that when you perceive yourself in the realm of relative reality, that is your empirical self, and when you are able to perceive the self that exists in the universe, that is the ultimate truth. In other words, empirical reality represents the reality of the space you inhabit, while ultimate truth applies to all spaces, the true nature of the universe. Empirical reality is limited by time, while ultimate truth is eternal.

Those who believe that life is meaningless are often related to a lack of understanding of the self. The search for the meaning of life begins with recognizing oneself and understanding oneself…

The essence of life lies in living wholeheartedly in the present moment and seeking the ultimate meaning of life. The ultimate truth is omnipresent, but it can only be found through seeking.

Let the Wheel of Life Roll in the Mud of Time…

Freedom is priceless, but it must be fought for! However, the battle of the Rainbow Warriors is not fought with weapons, but with the power of consciousness. The energy of the seven chakras is our weapon. The devil and the enemy are not others, but ourselves. To become true Rainbow Warriors, we must possess love, gratitude, forgiveness, respect, tolerance, and sharing. Becoming a Rainbow Warrior carries extraordinary significance!

Every individual has the right to choose their own way of life. Each person has a different understanding and interpretation of the meaning of life. It is not necessary for everyone to become a Rainbow Warrior, but becoming One is the ultimate path of soul evolution.

The search for the meaning of life begins with recognizing oneself and understanding oneself…

Let the wheels of life roll in the muddy terrain of time, leaving behind our traces of perception in this earthly realm…


*Alexis de Tocqueville (Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville, July 29, 1805 – April 16, 1859) – Dedicated to exploring the relationship between democracy, equality, and freedom in Western society, he was a French intellectual, political scientist, historian, politician, diplomat, member of the French Academy, Minister of Foreign Affairs during the French Second Republic, and member of the Chamber of Deputies. He is famous for his works such as “Democracy in America” and “The Old Regime and the Revolution.”

*Lord Acton (John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, 1834–1902) – Professor of History at the University of Cambridge, historian, and a British theoretical politician. He was One of the most influential figures in the intellectual and political life of 19th-century Britain. His famous quote “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” comes from his book “The History of Freedom.”

*The Twelve Olympians – They are the most revered twelve gods in ancient Greek and Roman religion. They are usually identified as the king of The Gods Zeus, the queen of The Gods Hera, the goddess of fertility Demeter, the God of the sea Poseidon, the goddess of wisdom Athena, the God of light Apollo, the goddess of the hunt Artemis, the God of love Aphrodite, the God of war Ares, the God of fire Hephaestus, the messenger God Hermes, and the goddess of the hearth Hestia.

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